Right now, I'm enjoying soaking up the last few weeks of summer.Going on walks with my pup, husband or neighbor. Drinking a nice cup of iced coffee on Saturday and Sunday mornings on my deck. Holding my husband's hand. My morning talks with Ma. How much I enjoy getting up and going to work. Making delicious meals with my hubs. Going to the park for a nice, peaceful run all while soaking up the beautiful scenery. I enjoy that I can get a phone call from one of my best friends all the way on the other side of the country- after not being able to catch up for a few months- and pick up right where we left off. I enjoy unwinding after a long day in my husbands arms. I appreciate the sweet notes my hubs sends during the day letting me know he is thinking about me. I appreciate how excited my pup is to see me when I walk in the door. I am thankful. Thankful for all of the blessings we have in our life. Thankful for our relationships with our family and friends. Thankful for our health. Thankful for our love.
I just asked my hubs "what are some of the things you enjoy about our life at this moment?" He said "This. Right now. Waking up in our beautiful home, spending time with our pup. Making a nice breakfast. Enjoying our days together." Very fitting. Well said, hubs. On that note, I'm off to enjoy the yummy breakfast hubs just made on our deck in the summer sunshine.
Happy weekend everyone!