
Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Letters


It's finally Friday! Whoot!
Dear OCMD: Watch out! The girlfriends are takin over this weekend. I can't friggin' wait!

Me, Gina, Brit and Ariel- Brit's wedding 2010

Me, Brit, Beautiful bride Gina, Ariel- Gina's wedding 2011

My wedding- 2011. Love this one!

Me, Ariel, Gina (bachelorette wig!) and Brit- Gina's Bachelorette 2011

Dear Girlfriends: see you in a few hours! Husband free weekend for all of us full of dropping it like it's hott. Yeah, I think so.

Dear kickboxing: you are working wonders on my booty. Keep it up.

Yes, I use these pink gloves!
Dear alarm clock: seriously, I am digging our newfound friendship at 5:30 am. I didn't know I had it in me to get up at this hour... thanks for ringing uncontrollably until I do.
Dear Skinny Girl Margarita: You have become my new drink of choice. Whole bottle- 3 weight watchers points? Yup- I'm hooked.

Dear Master's Thesis: So far, you have not been that bad. Please take it easy on me.
Dear Summer: please do not end! You've been so fun thus far!
Dear Husbad: I love you. Have a fun guys weekend!

Hop on over to Ashley's blog and join in on the fun!


  1. Great Friday's Letters! I can relate to A LOT of them ;) Adorable blog!

    1. Thanks Tina! I hope you are having a great week!

  2. I loved reading this!


    have a great weekend!

  3. Looks like you have a fun weekend ahead of you! Enjoy yourself!!
    and props to you for getting up at 530... me and that hour are not friends!
    I loved reading your letters =)

    1. Thanks Ashley! I am slowly becoming friends with 5:30- we have a love/hate relationship. ;)
