I am a mid twenties wife, Mommy, friend, daughter, sister and new homeowner. I am a passionate person to say the least. I love hard, play hard, work hard and can be a bit of an emotional drama queen at times. I love nights out on the town just as much as nights in with my family.
Things I love
Being a Mommy
Being a Mommy
Photography (other’s photography and as a "hobby")
The fall
Unsweetened tea
Cooking (especially Italian)
Vacations with my family
All dogs, but especially my two
A clean home
My family’s Christmas traditions
Football Sunday’s with Hubs
The crunch of fallen leaves
dancing around my living room
dancing around my living room
Pasta with LOTS of parmesan cheese
Get together’s with my friends
Hosting dinners
Scary movies
Shopping (what girl doesn’t?)
Classic Rock and Hip Hop
The Hubs:

He grew up in Maryland and has lived here all his life. He is the baby of three. He joined the Air National Guard after high school and served 12 years, to include one tour of duty in Iraq. Hubs is smart, hilarious, witty, accomplished and handsome. He graduated from Stevenson University with a bachelors degree in Computer Forensics and loves anything technology related. He loves (and is really good) at playing basketball. He’s a great cook, amazing husband and loving Daddy to our son and to our pup. He is the most understanding man on the face of the planet and supports me in all my endeavors. We make an amazing team. Back off ladies… he’s all mine!
Our Story:
We met at work in the summer of 2007, a week after I graduated from college. He swept me off my feet. He was training me to take over his job so that he could be deployed to Iraq to fulfill his duties with the Air National Guard. He invited me to a Karaoke night, sang to me, and won my heart. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in one night! We talked and emailed almost every day while he was deployed. He came back and the rest is history! We were married in June 2011 and built our first home later that year. We have recently become parents to our sweet baby boy, Colin Bennett. He brings such joy to our lives and has expanded the love in our hearts exponentially. Hubs and I love to cook together. Our favorite nights involve wine and a new recipe. We also both have full time careers during the day and are passionate about what we do. We are both ambitious and look forward to having successful careers balanced by a blessed life outside of work. I work in HR and love it, hubs works in IT. It’s a crazy (and fun!) life, but we couldn't be happier.
Our Sweet Baby Boy- Colin Bennett:
Our sweet bundle of joy grace us with his presence on May 29, 2013. He was a perfect little baby weighing 7lbs, 6oz and measuring 20 inches long. We are loving geting to know his little personality and learning all about parenting along the way. He is the love of our lives- we did not realize how much we could possibly love before our sweet baby entered our lives.
Our Sweet Baby Boy- Colin Bennett:
Our sweet bundle of joy grace us with his presence on May 29, 2013. He was a perfect little baby weighing 7lbs, 6oz and measuring 20 inches long. We are loving geting to know his little personality and learning all about parenting along the way. He is the love of our lives- we did not realize how much we could possibly love before our sweet baby entered our lives.
Our Family:

I come from a loud, fun and loving family. Dad’s side is Scottish; Mom’s side is Italian and Czech. The Italian in us tends to take over. We all talk with our hands, drink wine, speak at an elevated volume and never.stop.loving. They are my foundation. Things that come to mind when I think of my family: warm, holidays, inside jokes, home cooking, snuggles, support, love, encouragement, memories. I am the oldest of two. My not-so-little-anymore brother, Andrew, is currently in his junior year in college. He is awesome, end of story. He is so smart and so much fun to be around. I love how he and John have formed a great “brotherly” relationship. He has been there for me through thick and thin and I am excited to see what the future has in store for us. As for my parents… I don’t even know how to put into words how fabulous they are. My Ma is a Director of Nursing and my Dad is a retired Senior Manager/ house husband. :o) (He won’t like that I am saying that.) They have made a wonderful life for our family and have welcomed Hubs to the family with open arms. I love going “home” to be with them. It is so hard for me to be a state away but we make do with plenty of phone calls (often several times a day) and visits. At first, Hubs thought I was too attached, but he’s since become just as attached to my family as I am.
We also have another furry member of the family, Maggie. She is the sweetest most precious animal on the face of the planet. She is clearly a mutt but looks like a small reddish Golden Retriever. We adopted her from the Humane Society 11 years ago and she is definitely “part of the pack”. Dutch loves her so much and she tolerates him. ;o)