Here is a recap of 2012:
2012 started off with a bang! In January we rung in the new year DC style with the "Frist Night DC"! We celebrated, danced and cheered in the new year with Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ralph. It was a great kick off to a beautiful year! Just two weeks later, we settled on our brand new house!!
February and March were spent settling in and schooling. I went to grad school full time in the spring to "catch up" from the semester before our wedding. Hubs is always in school full time, bless his heart.We also met our neighbors, Johnathan and Danielle who we've become good friends with and visited our friends Ariel and Ben in NYC for the last time before their big move to Oregon!
In April we hosted our first holiday! We had both sides of our family over for Easter brunch and it was perfect! Hubs also decided not to reenlist in the Air National Guard for another term. He is holding off until he finishes his bachelor's to decide his next military career move.
In May I started my new job at my company, which I absolutely love and I ran a 5k for cerebral palsy with my beautiful mama.
In June we started the summer off right! We went to VEGAS for the little brother's 21st birthday, celebrated our first wedding anniversary together then had our friends over for a cookout/fire pit for my 27th. Such a busy but fun month!
In July I went on a girls weekend trip to the beach and we went to the beach for a week with my family and our friends Chip, Kristin and Maddi. We found out they were expecting their second little one!!!
In August we discovered a new "beach" on the Chesapeake by our house and enjoyed a day trip there with my family. I also started writing my master's thesis.
In September WE FOUND OUT WE WERE EXPECTING OUR LITTLE ONE!!! Best news of 2012!
In October we couldn't contain our excitement anymore and we told our family and friends we were expecting with a cute little Halloween costume. ;)
In November we celebrated Hub's 30th birthday!! My parents and I threw him a cocktail party at our house that was a huge success! I also had a spa day with my BFF for her 28th birthday and we spent Thanksgiving with my parents. I also completed my thesis!
In December I graduated with my masters and we had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.
2012 has been such a wonderful and exciting year. We know 2013 will be a year for the ages. Both Hubs and my little brother graduate in May, my uncle will get married this spring and we will welcome our little bundle of joy. <3
As far as "resolutions" are concerned, I think it is always important to strive for personal growth. A new year is a chance to reflect and set goals, but I like to do that throughout the year as well. This year, hubs and I have a joint resolution: bring lunch to work 4 out of the 5 days per week! This one is a struggle for us!! For me its a matter of a convenient deli right across the street from work and plenty of awesome coworkers who love to lunch! For hubs it's the Whole Foods right across the street! These $5-$10 costs here and there add up quickly and aren't always good for the waist line so we are aiming to be brown baggers!
Personally, I am setting a goal to continue to work out and eat healthy (fell off the bandwagon during the holidays) until baby bean arrives. I am also striving to grow in my current role at work and take the PHR (practitioner in Human Resources) exam before 2013. Most of all, I am striving to be the best wife and mama possible this year.
Cheers to another great year and an even better 2013!