Little Man turned 26 weeks old on 11/27/13. What a fun week he had!
17+ pounds! C had to "graduate" to the size three diapers this week!
Health: C was in good spirits this week. His teeth didn't seem to bother him as much as the week before.
Social: C went to Longwood Gardens again with Mommy, Daddy, Gram and Granddad, had a few days as a family with Mommy and Daddy. C also had a great week of nannying by Mommy Kim.
Clothes: 9 month pants and six month onesies
Baby Gear Love: TOYS!!! C has really started to enjoy playing toys. It's so fun to see- makes me so excited for Christmas!
Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants (toy, food).
Likes: Peak a boo, snuggling, eating solids, baby learning apps.
Postpartum: On a mission. Going low carb this week.
Milestones: First time eating fruit (banana)- 11/24
Really sitting up on his own for a minute or two- 11/25