On Wednesday May 14th, C is just two weeks shy of his first birthday. Seriously, time slow down!
Weight: 21-22 pounds. He's grown so much in the past week or two- growth spurt anyone?
Weight: 21-22 pounds. He's grown so much in the past week or two- growth spurt anyone?
Health: Happy and Healthy!
Social: C spent the weekend soaking up time with Mommy in light of mother's day. Friday night C made a guest appearance at the Bayne/Kassab ladies happy hour. He surprised everyone and was the center of attention for a little bit.
Saturday, we had a swim lesson, went to the park for a run and swinging with Gram and Aunt Julie came over for birthday crafting. Sunday went to brunch with gram, granddad, uncle Andrew and Mom Mom Mom (my grandmother). We snuggled lots on Sunday afternoon since I had to leave in the middle of the night for a week long work trip. This was the first time I have ever left C for more than 2 nights (one time in December I left for 2).
This was DIFFICULT. I missed my guy so much and based on Daddy's account of the end of the week, C missed me too! On Tuesday and Wednesday Mommy Kim came over to help out which was so nice!
Sleep: Through the night, every night.
Diet: C was a hungry man this week- gobbled up waffles, eggs and fruit at Mother's day brunch!
Clothes: 12 month pants, 12 month onesies, 12 and even some 18 month jammies, size three diapers.
Baby Gear Love: The jogger, his walkers, our new tunnel. C crawls back and forth through the tunnel and laughs up a storm! He also LOVES books like crazy. C pulls every book off the shelf and turns the pages while he "jibber jabbers" as he "reads". Melt my heart.
Crying: "alligator tears". Oh- I can't put my finger in this socket or open this drawer? Watch me stick out my lip and "cry". I have no idea where he got that from ;)
Likes: His brand new "tent tunnel". Hours of entertainment.
Dislikes: see above "crying"
Postpartum: Keeping it up!
Milestones: C can climb steps!
C also picked up his "sippy" at brunch on Sunday and finally got the hang of using it! Just in time for his big move to the todfants class!
C also picked up his "sippy" at brunch on Sunday and finally got the hang of using it! Just in time for his big move to the todfants class!