
Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday's Letters & A Vegas iphone picture dump


Happy Friday Party Animals! I am lovin' the Friday Letters link up going on on Ashley's blog so I decided to join in!

Dear Blog: I am so sorry I'm a slacker. I have the best intentions and really promise to post at least once a week, twice if I'm feelin sassy! Please forgive me.

Dear really big & scary spider hiding in my kitchen: I really hope you have passed away since Wednesday. You are a fast mover and I wish I had the chance to squish you. Please do not bite my toy poodle, he'd surely get sick! P.S. thank you for motivating my husband to organize everything in sight!

Dear Husband: I am very impressed! Thank you for shocking the hell out of me cleaning and organizing the pantry and garage in an effort to hunt for Scary Spider. You rock when your on a mission.

Dear Work: I am so in love with you. I couldn't ask for a better job/boss/partner. You really are just the career move I needed. You make me happy.

Dear Weekend: I can't wait to meet you! I am excited for all of the friends, family and the BBQ you will deliver come 5 O'clock.

Dear Body: I am not sorry for beating you up this week. However, as I warned you, I will be keeping up with the 5x per week workouts including three two a days for the next 10 weeks. Love ya!

At long last- here is our Vegas trip in pictures!

Our hotel- the Stratosphere and a picture from the plane of the snow capped mountains

In side the MGM, a pic of the Balagio and dirty dirties at the sky bar

Brother's 21st birthday night! A dinner at the "Top of the World" followed by clubbing at the Venetian.

The boys and Absinth! Such an exciting show!

Pool and party time!
Vegas was such a great time!! We all had a blast and look forward to our next vacation together in a few short weeks! Happy 21st baby bro!



  1. ahhh HATe spiders!! cute pics and love your name ;) super cute blog by the way girl and great list! have a great friday! xo

  2. Thanks Cait! Never did find that spider! Hope he left on his own! :) Thanks for the lovin'! Hope you had an awesome weekend!

  3. aw so glad you're so happy in your job :) that's awesome! found you via the link up and am excited to be your first follower! xo

  4. Thanks Lissa! I'm so excited to have you as my first follower. Love your blog! :)
