The 21 week bumpdate is a day late and a dollar short. Last week was a bit of a whirlwind and I didn't have time to sit down and do my update. Today, I'm officially 22 weeks preggo! I still manage to take my "weekly picture" every Monday night- this is me officially 21 weeks along. Colin is the size of a carrot!
This week, I thought I'd do a different pregnancy survey to mix things up a bit. After all- we are more than half way done cookin'!
About Me
Age? 27
Height? 5’2”
Hair color? Brown
Eye color? Brown
About the Husband
Age? 30
Height? 6’2”
Hair color? Dirty blonde
Eye color? Blue
About My Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy? Yes!
When did you find out you were pregnant? September 21st
Was it planned? Yes. <3 We were so excited we got pregnant so quickly!
What was your first reaction? I couldn't believe it! Hubs was still sleeping before work and I ran over to our bed and said "you are going to be a Daddy!!!!". It was so amazing.
Who was with you when you found out? Just me for .2 seconds then I ran in to tell hubs. As soon as I saw that dark pink line, I had to tell him!
Who was the first person you told? Hubs
How did your parents react? They were very excited. They happened to be at our house the night before on their way to visit my brother in Richmond. After I told Hubs, I went into our guest room and told them 'June must be our lucky month! We are having a baby!'. They are over the moon excited to be grandparents.
How far along are you? 21 weeks
What was your first symptom? Nausea, feeling super tired, and a little crampy
What is your due date? June 3, 2013
Do you know the sex of the baby? Yes! A BOY!
Have you picked out names? Yes! Colin Bennett <3
How much weight have you gained? About 6-7 pounds.
Do you have stretch marks? Nope
Have you felt the baby move? Oh yes! It’s so fun!
Have you heard the heartbeat? Yes, several times. It's the sweetest little sound.
About the Baby
Home or hospital birth? Hospital
Natural or medicated birth? I’ll most likely get an epidural, but we’ll see how it goes. Happy and healthy outcome is what I am going for!
Who will be in the delivery room with you? Just my husband until our little man arrives!
Will you breastfeed? I will do everything I can to make it happen!
Do you think you’ll need a c-section? I hope not, but if I do, I will embrace it. Again, happy and healthy is the most important thing.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time? Oh yes, I’m sure of it
What’s the first thing you might say to him? How much I LOVE him!
Would you let someone videotape the birth? Ehh probably not
Are you excited or scared about the birth? I’m ecstatic to meet Colin, but I have to admit, I’m pretty scared about the getting the baby out part- I'm sure it will be ok though!
Baby Colin,
Mommy and Daddy are so very excited to meet you. It's so neat to feel you kicking and flipping all around in mommy's tummy. I picture you in there having a great time!! We day dream about your arrival and what it will be like to have you with us often. We can't wait for June to arrive so we can bring you home. For now, keep growing big and strong!
We love you to the moon and back.
Mama and Daddy
So exciting! We're not ready to have kids yet, but this makes me so excited for the day when we do decide to. I can't imagine how happy and excited my husband will be. Oh, and if you want to link up I'm doing a Five Facts link up for everybody who got left out from the whole Instagram trend... or even if you didn't get left out. Super easy and fast to write. Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better... I'm excited to follow along!
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Thanks for stopping by Bonnie! I'd love to join in on your linkup! I will check it out! Happy Friday!