Total weight gain: At my doctors appointment on Friday I had gained 22.5 pounds.
How big is the baby? : Baby Colin Bennett is the size of a large cantaloupe
Maternity clothes: Same as the past few weeks...making work what I can, but needing all maternity bottoms and mostly maternity tops. If there is one thing I am noticing it is that... my belly is HUGE! I am certainly undeniably pregnant.
Stretch marks?: Sadly, I think my answer has changed. I don't have a single one on my belly and I don't think I will. However, I might have one on my hip of all places. Its a red line but it might be from constantly bumping into things- hope so! I've been stretch mark creaming that baby like crazy in hopes that it will disappear after delivery.
Sleep: TERRIBLE! I am the definition of "sleep is for the weak" this week. I was having the constant urge to pee and pressure through the night, which made it very hard to get comfortable and a good nights rest... little did I know it was from kidney stones. At my appointment on Friday the doctor pointed out that I had a small amount of blood in my culture that was most likely due to a small infection. No big deal she said as it happens a lot to pregnant women when their bladder is completely smashed. They gave me an antibiotic for 7 days and sent me on my way. WELL- this weekend I had some pretty serious cramping, to the point where I was wondering if it was "go time". It would come and go but with several hours in between. By this morning- it was completely GONE and I was feeling great again. The doc called me back to give me the lab results from my culture which were negative for any bacteria. Therefore, based on this weekend's events, and the blood in my culture from Friday, she determined it was kidney stones. LOVELY. She said this is also common in pregnant women and I most likely passed them without a hitch. She did say "if you can pass kidney stones without extreme pain, you'll sail through labor!". Ha! I sure hope so.
Best moment this week: Spending some time with my hubs and soaking in those last few nights as a family of two (three including our fur child) <3 We went out to dinner on Saturday and then went to get some frozen yogurt. It was a really fun night. A couple sitting next to us started chatting us up about our obvious upcoming addition and giving us some words of encouragement.
Movement: You know it! Baby C is on the move.
Food cravings: Fresh food and frozen yogurt. Loving salads at the moment.
Food aversions: Same as always- picky picky with meat
Labor signs: Thankfully, no!! Still need baby to cook a little bit longer.
Belly button in or out: I think I'm officially an outtie. Hubs keeps touching my belly asking if our turkey is done. :)
What I miss: Running, running, running and feeling like a normal person. I cried Saturday morning due to a combo of a lack of sleep (from pain the night before), hormones and feeling like a blimp. Overall, my pregnancy has been beautiful and lovely, however, I am ready to have our little guy here.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I am officially waddling and have every pregnancy symptom in the book for this stage of pregnancy. Stiff legs, stiff back, big belly, huge booty.
What I'm looking forward to: our mini baby moon this weekend! <3