On Monday April 1st we were 31 weeks pregnant. What an exciting week this was for the Robinson family! The week started off with a minor hitch... I was in a fender bender on Tuesday morning on my way to work. I was hit leaving my neighborhood by one of the construction workers. No major damage and baby Colin and I are just fine. We did have to go to the hospital for a few hours of monitoring just to be safe. I am certainly glad we did- gave us peace of mind to know that baby was just fine.
Tuesday evening baby and I left for a business trip to Memphis. We ate SO much Memphis BBQ!!! So delish. :) I had a great trip with my coworkers and gave two great presentations- last business trip before baby arrives.
We came back late Thursday night and had off Friday. I ran some errands, cleaned, made a banner for our maternity shoot and got a much needed mani/pedi. Friday night we headed up to my parents house for what I thought was an honorary decon dinner for my Dad. Little did I know- it was a suprise baby shower for baby Colin! I will do an entirely separate post on the shower once I get some additional pictures from my parent's camera. All I will say now is that it was absolutley perfect. BIG HUGE thank you to my Mom (Gram) and my BFF (Aunt Julie)- you two blew me away, once again.
Today we had a beautiful maternity photoshoot with our friend Kipp! She posted two sneak peak photos already and they are STUNNING!!! We had a blast shooting and the weather was perfect. We can't wait to see the rest of the photos.
Now for the bumpdate! Baby Colin is the size of four navel oranges, weighs just under four pounds and is moving like crazy! He is squirming all over trying to get comfy in his close quarters.
Total weight gain: At my doctors appointment on Friday I had gained 18 pounds.
How big is the baby? : Baby Colin Bennett is the size of four navel oranges
Maternity clothes: Making work what I can, but needing all maternity bottoms and mostly maternity tops. I've discovered t-shirt maxi dresses from old navy and am in LOVE. They are perfect for the bump and I will be able to wear them this summer post delivery. I am not buying ANY more maternity clothes with only 9 weeks left to go so I will make it work.
Stretch marks?: Not yet... and hopefully not at all! A co-worker of mine had a baby last month and said she didn't have them until 37 weeks and then they appeared! I'm hoping that is not the case with me.
Sleep: I was sleeping a little better this week. Still not great, but I'll take what I can get. I certainly don't mind being woken up by my sweet boy moving around.
Best moment this week: Hands down- it was the baby shower. I also loved our maternity shoot. Just when I think I can't possibly love my husband any more than I already do, he goes and acts even more amazing. This pregnancy has brought us closer together and I love him more and more each day. He was so sweet and loving during the shower and the shoot today- such a catch.
Movement: big time! Little man is dancing all over the place
Food cravings: Nothing crazy- still craving sweats more than I did before pregnancy, but it is not out of control.
Food aversions: Meat in general is still unappealing- but that Memphis BBQ was AMAZING. I can tolerate meat if it always tastes that good. :)
Labor signs: Not yet. Crazy to think that this answer will be changing in a few short weeks.
Belly button in or out: Becoming an outtie.
What I miss: Having the energy to get everything done that I want to get done. Trying to get one "thing" done each day on my "pre Colin to do list". ;) I also REALLY miss running. The turn in the weather has made me get the "running itch". I am looking forward to when I can run again and take Colin out in the jogging stroller. I am hoping to run at least a 10k race this fall.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Nothing new here- stiff back at the end of the day, heartburn, slight waddle when I walk ;)
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the nursery put together. We have so many things to wash and organize after the shower- can't wait!!!
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