How far along? Today we are 38 and 6 days along. Tomorrow we are one week away from our due date!
Baby Size: Baby Colin is the size of a watermelon- and I sure feel that way!
Total weight gain: 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? Now that my belly has really dropped, I am surprisingly able to fit into more pre-preggo clothes. I've been living in yoga pants and long and lean tank tops from target. At work, I'm surviving in dresses.
Stretch marks? Still have those red squiggly lines on my hip but I am confident they will fade
Sleep: Ha! Sleep is for the week. I am sleeping off an on. On Thursday we started getting contractions that have been making sleep interesting.
Best moment this week: Getting the news that our baby could arrive any day!!! My parents came down on Thursday when we started contracting. It's been so nice having them here with us. My mother in law came down yesterday and as well. Even if our little guy doesn't come this weekend (which I hope he does!), it's been nice spending the weekend as a family and getting in some last minute quality time pre-baby Colin. :)
Miss Anything? I am not at the point where I miss NOT being pregnant. I LOVED this experience and I LOVE growing our little miracle but I am ready to be able to do things normally again.
Movement: He loves kicking mommy's ribs this week.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. The past few days I've been pretty sick to my stomach, which I hear is totally normal.
Anything making you queasy or sick: See above.
Gender: Sweet baby BOY!!
Labor Signs: I actually went into the doctors office Thursday morning to get checked as I wasn't sure if the contractions were "the real deal". We are 50% effaced and starting to dilate (1-2cm). I was having mild contractions every 5-10 minutes. That lasted through the day Saturday. Today, I am having more intense contractions, however, they are not 5-10 minutes apart. They are more like 12-20 minutes apart. Hoping desperately that we get to meet our sweet guy in the next few days!
Symptoms: I have all the symptoms in the book. Stiff back, sore hips, queasy, contractions.
Belly Button in or out? I'm an outie now! I miss my cute little belly button.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Overall I'm in a great mood and excited to meet our little man!
Looking forward to: Meeting our son