I haven't done a non "bumpdate" related post in a while. The main cause of my lack of posting can be summed up in two words:
crazy busy. Work has been absolutely insane (trying to close things out before maternity leave and an over all ramp up). We've been nesting our pants off at home. We've also had a lot of social things going on as well!
According to my iPhone... this is what we've been doing lately...
From top left: Pinterest craft project I did with my friend Gina- acrylic trays! I made one for our living room, one for our room and one for Colin's room. Hubs's new lawn mower for our 4 square feet of grass. He was happy we got an electric one. If he's happy, I'm happy! Yard work before and yard work after...we added plants, lined our walk way with stones and added lights to our walkway. Looks so nice! Big pic- hubs's beer and wings to celebrate the completion of all the yard work! |
From top left: Completion of the baby shopping! The only thing left to get is a second car seat base. We picked up this cute bib for Colin to wear when he's hanging with his Uncle Andrew. Dog lovin'- I'm soaking up all the fur child love I can. He seems upset with me lately, I seriously think he knows the baby is coming soon. 35 week bump picture before my work's all hands meeting. Big old belly! More nesting! Hubs and our neighbor helped hang the new ceiling fan in our bedroom. I'm in love! I want one in every room. Big picture: perfect Sunday breakfast... vanilla bean frap, raspberry scone and a baby bump <3 |
Left: another nursery sneak peak! Almost done! ((thanks Aunt Julie for helping with the fabric canvases and mobile! Top right: healthy and SO yummy dinner... cilantro and lime grilled chicken with tomato and avocado salsa, corn and kale. YUM! Bottom right: best top coat ever. Go invest in some... quick drying and long lasting.
We have a busy few weeks ahead!
- mini baby moon this weekend that consists of some much needed hubs and wife away time, my uncles wedding and the beach!
- Hubs's celebratory graduation dinner next Wednesday!
-Hubs's graduation next Thursday- SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
-36 week baby appointment next Friday and a cookout with my parents
-Baby brother's graduation and celebratory dinner next Saturday- SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
After next week we have just a few little things to wrap up in the nursery and then we wait for baby! One month from today is our due date- can't wait!!
Happy weekend everyone!
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