It's hard to believe it has been a week since our little boy entered our lives. He is so perfect and we are so in love. Having Colin has changed our lives for the better and the love in our hearts has grown exponentially in the past week.
Just as I did throughout my pregnancy, I will be doing a weekly update on baby for his first year. One of my favorite mommy blogs to read, Schue Love, has done similar updates for her sweet boy and I loved the idea. This will be a great way to keep up with the baby book and keep friends and family updated in the happenings of our little guy.
I'm still working on the birth story. I don't want to leave anything out. I should be back with that by the end of the week.
Colin Bennett's First Week
Picture taken this morning, on his one week "birthday" |
Weight: His birth weight was 7lbs 6oz. His hospital discharge weight was 6lbs 8oz (Friday) and his weight at his first doctor's appointment on Monday was 6lbs 12oz.
Health: Colin's a healthy little guy! His pediatrician said he is perfect and doing so well and we agree! The only thing he noticed during his post birth evaluation was that his left testicle didn't descend yet. (He will probably hate me for posting this someday!) The doctor said it is in the canal and will most likely drop on its own in the next few months.
Additionally, on Monday night we had a very scary night. We had a great day- Colin's first appointment and another successful day of breastfeeding (he is a champ!). Around 8:30pm he started crying. We could tell he had a ton of gas and we tried everything we could to console our poor sweet boy. You could tell it almost hurt him to poop. He cried for 3 hours straight- this was not like the crying we heard for the past few days, this was a distressed cry and it broke our heart. Luckily, Colin's Gram (my mom) is here for his first two weeks. My Mom is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and she was able to assess him and help relieve some of his pressure by checking his rectal temp (which was normal). However, we did call the pediatrician who sent us to the ER. Lets just say, the ER is a scary place to be at midnight and I was so worried about our 5 day old baby being in there with all of the germs. Luckily, the doctor saw us relatively quickly and they put us in our own room while we waited and our boy screamed. The doctor confirmed he is completely healthy and he was having a severe tummy ache. They gave him some Milacon (gas drops) and suggested that I avoid dairy to see if that helps. By the time we got home, the gas drops had set in, I was able to feed our sweet guy and he slept for 5 hours. I am avoiding dairy like the plague, I do not want to see our sweet guy in pain anymore!
Social: Our little man has had several visitors for his first week! His Gram and Granddad (my parents), his Grandmom (Hub's Mom), His Uncle Andrew, Uncle Mike, Aunt Taddie, Aunt Julie, Aunt Leslie and his three cousins, my dear friends Kelly, Kelly and Gina and his great Aunt and Uncle Barbara and Ralph. Colin is certainly loved so much already. Kelly came all the way from California to meet him! <3
Sleep: He is a sleepy newborn baby. Last night was a surprise- he nursed like crazy several times before bed and then slept from midnight to six am. I am sure it was just him being exhausted from Monday night's adventure. Otherwise, he wakes up 2-3 times per night to nurse. I am nursing on demand at the moment (while ensuring he eats every 2-3 hours).
Diet: Mommy's milk only. I tested out the breast pump this week and will start pumping every other day/as needed to start building up a supply.
Clothes: newborn sizes only- our tiny little guy
Baby Gear Love: Soothie pacifier, snuggabunny bouncy seat and Aden and Anis swaddle wraps. These three items have been life savers! Colin also sleeps in a rock n' play sleeper next to our bed. He loves it and its so convenient.
Crying: When he's hungry, tired, gassy or has to take a poop. We can tell he does NOT like the feeling of "having to go". As soon as he poops, he smiles and relaxes his body.
Likes: Colin loves to be snuggled. He loves to be held and loved on and that is perfectly fine with us as we cannot get enough snuggles out of him!!! He also likes his snuggabunny bouncy seat. He loves sitting in it and looking all around at the things we are doing.
Dislikes: pooping and gas! Poor guy.
Postpartum: Feeling pretty good! There is the obvious soreness and typical postpartum symptoms that should start to fade in the next week or two. I am eating a healthy diet and drinking a ton of water trying to keep as healthy as possible for myself and baby. I'm down 15 lbs in one week!
Milestones: Baby's first bath (Saturday, June 1)
Baby's first Doctor's appointment (Monday, June 3rd)
Colin is nursing like a champ and I'm starting to think this breastfeeding thing isn't that hard! I love the bonding time with my sweet boy.
On Colin's first night, his Daddy and I nicknamed him "squeak". He makes the cutest squeaking noises that we simply find adorable. For now, his nickname is little squeak. ;)
Colin Bennett-
Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back. You are our the love of our lives and we are so thankful and blessed to have you. You light up my every day and I am so excited to be your mommy and watch you grow. I know your Daddy feels the same way. The way he looks at you and cares for you melts my heart. If there is one thing for sure, you will never have a shortness of love in your life.
Love you to the moon and back,