Weight: Chubber Bubber thighs!
Health: Happy and healthy!
Social: Our "social" calendar has been awful. We've been so busy with packing and getting ready for our move that we haven't done diddly squat. That is changing this weekend! We cannot wait to have our little family life back. We are so appreciative of my parents for the past few months of hosting us but man do we miss our own space and our own time. We are bursting at the seems to do something fun, outside of the house, with baby C this weekend!
Sleep: All but one night this week! On Sunday night C woke up at 4 am and came into bed to snuggle with Mama. Can't say I hated it.
Diet: Lots of homemade fruits and veggies. C tried Mango and Green Beans this week! Adding new items almost weekly.
Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers. He squeezed into a six month suit this week- onsie fit but the pants were short! String bean!
Baby Gear Love:
boppy for bottle time in the mornings, his workbench and new sports complex! He also loves his bear with labeled body parts(ear, heart, hand, foot, tummy)
Crying: Attention getting only (I have no idea where he gets that from) ;)
Likes: Toys, toys, toys! C got a new toy basket and was just about holding himself up to view his toys last night! I let go for a few seconds! YAY BUDDY!!!
Dislikes: Jammies
Postpartum: I refuse to fear bikini season and am so anxious to join a darn GYM in two weeks.
Milestones: Just about able to hold on while standing.
Mommy and Daddy could have sworn he said "hi" when we were working on it the other day (27th)
Mommy and Daddy could have sworn he said "hi" when we were working on it the other day (27th)
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