
Friday, July 6, 2012

Where did this week go?

I am super excited that it is Friday already! I seriously have no idea where the heck this week went!

Girls weekend at the beach was awesome! So much fun boozing in a swamp the bay, getting all you can eat crabs, dancing and catching up. I love you girls!

With the fourth of July being right, smack in the center of the week- this week flew by! I think we should have off every Wednesday! It was nice to "recharge" in the middle of the week. Hubs and I didn't get to spend time together last weekend so we hung out all day Wednesday. We went for a walk at the lake and sweat our ever lovin' butts off, we lounged around and watched our new "series"- Breaking Bad, and grilled/sipped on some wine.

 "Grill Queen"

Deck Dog

:::Now onto Friday Letters::


Dear Blog: I am so sorry I neglected you this week. With the mid week day off, I was completely thrown off! I'll be back, don't you worry!
Dear Julie (BFF): you will be here in 3 hours! We cannot wait to spend the weekend with you. Don't worry, it's only going to be 110 here tomorrow. Holler. 
Dear July: slow down already! I am so not ready to blink and it be Labor Day! (#Notetoself: get ON that thesis writing.)
Dear family vacay: see you next weekend.
Dear Breaking Bad: you are seriously starting to replace my Sopranos addiction. Then again, you can only re-watch an entire series so many times. Seriously, you are good.
Dear Pup: you have got to stop doing that cute little side head turn look (?) when I leave for work in the morning. It kills me you cute little fuzz ball.
Dear dog owners: get your pups indoors this weekend! It's going to be a scorcher!

Happy weekend lovas!

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