
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Renewed, Refreshed, Revived!

We are back from vacay. Our week at the beach was perfect.

We enjoyed the scenery..

We played in the sand and the pool...

We dressed up for dinners... 

We enjoyed the beach...

We explored the new casino...

We enjoyed each other's company...

Overall, it was a great vacation with my family and friends! Looking forward to a relaxing August!

Hope everyone had as great of a week last week! Back to the grind this week- kickboxing, thesis writing and taking on new challenges at work.


P.S. Happy 5 year anniversary to my hubs! Even though we have a new anniversary, I still love to remember our first date. <3

Friday, July 13, 2012

Oh Hi, Vacay!

Today is the day we leave for vacation! I.cannot.freaking.wait! I miss my family and I am ready for 6 days on the beach- maxin' and relaxin'. I will full out admit, I live for vacations with my family. Don't get me wrong, I love those crazy beach vacations with my girls and the romantic one on one vacations with my hubs, but there is just something so inviting about a week at the beach with the people I love most- my family AND my husband! To top it off- some of our best friends, the Scotts, will be joining us for three days! YAY!  We'll lay on the beach, play games, have happy hour on the deck, explore the city, eat, drink and relax! I hope to come back recharged and ready to take on the world.
Now let's get on to those Friday Letters...
Dear Humidity- I'm gonna need you to lay low for a while. You are seriously making my not straight/not curly hair go nuts. Not pretty. Not Glamorous. Not Cool.
Dear Traffic- Please do not suck and cause me to be in the car for 3+ hours this evening. I have vacationing to get to. Greatly appreciated! -C
Dear Mama- Get ready to go for long beach runs every day this week. :) I know you'll love me for it!
Dear Husband- A whole week of fun ahead! Loves you! (Insert cheesy love song, I know.)
Dear Glass of wine waiting for me at my parents house- can't wait to meet you this evening!
Dear NJ Shore Seagulls- Be kind, back up off my picnics this week!
Dear Scott Family- Can't wait to see you Sunday! We miss you guys!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Egg Whites and Veggie Sausage?

Hope you all had a nice weekend! I know we sure did! We enjoyed spending some much needed QT with my BFF and her man (inside since it was 100+ degrees out) and spent some time with our family at our niece's birthday party. Despite the title, this post is not going to be about food. Well, not in the typical way you'd expect. This post is about my wonderful husband who remembers the little things.

My sweetie and I in front of our house
This past Friday, hubs came home from work after hitting up the grocery store. He went to get some food since we were cooking dinner for our friends that evening. While unpacking and putting things away I noticed he got egg whites (which he hates) and veggie "sausage" (which he tolerates). I asked why and he said "I knew you were out and you needed them babe". Such a sweetie. I know that sometimes my vegetarian ways can be a pain for my meat lovin' hubs, but he sure does try his best to embrace it. I know that egg whites and veggie sausage might not seem like a big deal, but it is so nice knowing that my hubs supports and encourages my healthy attempts.

Hubs, if you are reading this, thank you so much for being so sweet. I am truly blessed to have married such a wonderful man. How sweet it is to be loved by you!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Where did this week go?

I am super excited that it is Friday already! I seriously have no idea where the heck this week went!

Girls weekend at the beach was awesome! So much fun boozing in a swamp the bay, getting all you can eat crabs, dancing and catching up. I love you girls!

With the fourth of July being right, smack in the center of the week- this week flew by! I think we should have off every Wednesday! It was nice to "recharge" in the middle of the week. Hubs and I didn't get to spend time together last weekend so we hung out all day Wednesday. We went for a walk at the lake and sweat our ever lovin' butts off, we lounged around and watched our new "series"- Breaking Bad, and grilled/sipped on some wine.

 "Grill Queen"

Deck Dog

:::Now onto Friday Letters::


Dear Blog: I am so sorry I neglected you this week. With the mid week day off, I was completely thrown off! I'll be back, don't you worry!
Dear Julie (BFF): you will be here in 3 hours! We cannot wait to spend the weekend with you. Don't worry, it's only going to be 110 here tomorrow. Holler. 
Dear July: slow down already! I am so not ready to blink and it be Labor Day! (#Notetoself: get ON that thesis writing.)
Dear family vacay: see you next weekend.
Dear Breaking Bad: you are seriously starting to replace my Sopranos addiction. Then again, you can only re-watch an entire series so many times. Seriously, you are good.
Dear Pup: you have got to stop doing that cute little side head turn look (?) when I leave for work in the morning. It kills me you cute little fuzz ball.
Dear dog owners: get your pups indoors this weekend! It's going to be a scorcher!

Happy weekend lovas!