
Friday, July 13, 2012

Oh Hi, Vacay!

Today is the day we leave for vacation! I.cannot.freaking.wait! I miss my family and I am ready for 6 days on the beach- maxin' and relaxin'. I will full out admit, I live for vacations with my family. Don't get me wrong, I love those crazy beach vacations with my girls and the romantic one on one vacations with my hubs, but there is just something so inviting about a week at the beach with the people I love most- my family AND my husband! To top it off- some of our best friends, the Scotts, will be joining us for three days! YAY!  We'll lay on the beach, play games, have happy hour on the deck, explore the city, eat, drink and relax! I hope to come back recharged and ready to take on the world.
Now let's get on to those Friday Letters...
Dear Humidity- I'm gonna need you to lay low for a while. You are seriously making my not straight/not curly hair go nuts. Not pretty. Not Glamorous. Not Cool.
Dear Traffic- Please do not suck and cause me to be in the car for 3+ hours this evening. I have vacationing to get to. Greatly appreciated! -C
Dear Mama- Get ready to go for long beach runs every day this week. :) I know you'll love me for it!
Dear Husband- A whole week of fun ahead! Loves you! (Insert cheesy love song, I know.)
Dear Glass of wine waiting for me at my parents house- can't wait to meet you this evening!
Dear NJ Shore Seagulls- Be kind, back up off my picnics this week!
Dear Scott Family- Can't wait to see you Sunday! We miss you guys!



  1. Hi! new follower! found you through the link up! Have fun on your vacation!

  2. Houston - the land of humidity has actually not been bad here, wine sounds amazing right about now too!

  3. I found you through Ashley's link-up.

    A beach vacation sounds super good right about now. Too bad we live days from the beach! Have fun!
