This week was the first "rough" pregnancy week since the first trimester. On Saturday, I over did it- big time. I ran around like a crazy nesting woman getting things done while my parents and hubs started Colin's nursery. I cleaned my kitchen from head to toe (spring cleaning style), dusted the house, straightened up and organized then decided to go to the gym and run a 5k and lift. Sunday, I did some more nesting and didn't really rest at all.
Seriously- what was I thinking?
I am five and a half months pregnant, not superwoman. By Monday, my pregnant body was hating me for my silly nesting woman behavior and I had some serious back cramping. I was very worried and called the doctor (not knowing that it was my body's reaction to Saturday's activities). My midwife wanted to see me right away to make sure it wasn't something serious, such as preterm labor. As soon as she said she wanted to see me, I lost it. My friend and co-worker, Parise, was sweet enough to drive me to the doctor and talk me through my worry. Luckily, the doctor confirmed after a thorough examination that there was not in fact anything wrong with our little boy or me, I just over did it. She insisted that I take it easy and RELAX for the rest of the week, use a heating pad on my back, take some Tylenol as needed and keep my feet up. By Friday, I was feeling much, much better. My hubs was wonderful and took great care of me this week. I am one lucky mama!
The picture above was taken right when we got home from the doctor- needless to say I had been crying/a mess so it's not the best.
Total weight gain: As of Monday it was about 8lbs. Still right on track!
How big is the baby? : Baby R is the size of a spaghetti squash- getting so big!
Maternity clothes: I'm wearing all maternity bottoms to work. I have a few maternity pants and skirts that I wear and rotate with some maternity and non-maternity tops. I can still wear a lot of my yoga pants around the house as well as some pre-pregnancy dresses. I think I will be able to wear a good bit of my spring and summer dresses when the weather gets nicer this spring. :)
Stretch marks?: Nope! :)
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well lately. Starting to wake up once or twice in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I've been falling asleep on my hubs while watching TV most nights this week- I was worn out!
Best moment this week: Hearing that our baby is perfect and healthy when I went to the doctor in a panic on Monday. His little heartbeat is always such a blessing to hear. It was also so nice to see Colin's room completely painted! We just have to put up some molding and the walls will be complete! It was also so nice to have a fun little day date with hubs yesterday. We went to Ikea (for some nesting items!), had a nice little lunch date then came home for a few and went back out to the movies last night. It was nice to get out and spend some quality time together. We had such a nice time. <3
Movement: Lots of it! Can't wait for Hubs to truly be able to feel him moving.
Food cravings: This frozen chocolate drink from a local breakfast place by us. I've been treating myself once per weekend for the past several weeks. It's sooooo good! I let it be my splurge for the week.
Food aversions: still finding it hard to eat meat. This isn't really related to pregnancy, I've always avoided the stuff. ;)
Labor signs: No way Jose
Belly button in or out: In, but getting flatter. I think I may have an outtie by the time I reach the third trimester.
What I miss: Having the energy to get everything done that I want! I'm in nesting overdrive and seriously want to get a million things done. However, if this week taught me anything its that I need to make sure I am resting and taking care of myself and my little bean. Hubs has been reminding me when its time to slow down and take it easy.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Sore/stiff back, frequent bathroom breaks. My hubs was talking with his brother last night and I heard him say "she's really pregnant dude, she is waddling all over the place!". Thanks babe, I heard you!!!
What I'm looking forward to: Buying some more items for Colin's nursery this week! :)
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