Cravings: Frozen yogurt! I can't get enough of the stuff. :) I've been using it as my "calorie replacement" for my workout days. That's one big perk of pregnancy! You have to replace any workout calories you burn!
Any foods you don’t want: Eh- still not too keen on meat. I've been trying to be good and "force" some into at least one meal per day. I'm getting plenty of other sources of protein though- yogurt, beans, eggs, etc.
Symptoms? Frequent bathroom breaks, dry skin issues and HEARTBURN! Oh man, I didn't have this symptom for the longest time. My hubs and I even said a few weeks ago that "I haven't had any heartburn or anything"! Well, I guess little C's hair is currently growing because I am feeling the burn .
Showing: Big old baby bump <3
Boy or Girl? snakes, snails and puppy dog tails- thats what little boys are made of.
Bought anything? We bought a closet organizer for the nursery that hubs installed this weekend- thanks hubs! I have also found some onesie "monthly" stickers for Colin's first year and some bookshelves for his room I'm eyeing to buy this week.
Shopping for anything? Looking for some cute wall decor for the nursery. Can't wait to see it all come together.
The Dad to be? Simply wonderful. He's been very good about helping me out around the house (no questions asked) and making sure I'm resting/taken care of. Ever since I over did it last week, he reminds me to "take it easy babe" or says "you need to sit down for 20 minutes". I love him so much and can't wait to see him as a Dad. I know he'll be the best.
Most recent appointment? Two weeks ago when I had my "last minute/emergency" appointment.
Next appointment? This Friday 1/15. Can't wait to hear his little heartbeat! We have some questions for our midwife on traveling late in pregnancy. The first two weekends in May we have my uncle's wedding and my brother's graduation- both about 2-3 hours away. I'm hoping it will be o.k. to to travel that far late in pregnancy. I'll be about 35/36 weeks. We shall see, but I'd hate to miss those big events for my family.
Weekend Recap:
I love me some weekends. The always go by way to quickly. Your off having fun and relaxing and then BAM- it's Sunday night and almost time to go back to work. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind going to work but I love spending time with my little family and friends more. :)
This weekend was a productive one with some quality husband and wife time sprinkled in. We watched our new "series" Parenthood on Friday night and enjoyed some much needed pizza and wine (sparkling juice for me!). We snuggled and spent time with our pup and our pup niece, Polly, we are dog sitting. Saturday we were on the move early running some errands then installing our closet organizer. I went to the gym Saturday afternoon while hubs did some homework. We made some crab and lobster ravioli for dinner Saturday night (UM- YUM!), relaxed and spent some QT together. Sunday we slept in! So, so nice. I'm sure we won't be having many opportunities to sleep in together once Colin arrives so we are soaking up the opportunities now. Once we got moving, Hubs did some homework while I cleaned around the house then we headed to the gym together for some basketball and swimming. I am absolutely in LOVE with our new gym- seriously, I don't know why we didn't join sooner.
Hope ya'll had a nice weekend as well. Happy Valentines Day week! Enjoy showing your loved ones how special they are!
Yay 6 months - I can't believe I get to meet my second nephew in just a few short months!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you next weekend, let me know what to bring and what you want to do. <3 XOXO to you, hubs, and pooch :)