Colin Bennett is 13 weeks old, holy cow.
Health: Colin is one happy and healthy little boy
Social: Colin has had a very social week. He got to spend time with Gram and Granddad at the beach, go out to dinner, go out to breakfast twice and see his Grandpop as well. On Monday he got to spend the day with his Aunt Barbara and on Tuesday he started daycare. :)
Sleep: Colin made the transition to his big boy crib! The first two nights he woke up in the middle of the night. I think he was getting used to the space. We gave him the "binks" and rocked him a little and he went back down. The past two nights- he's slept through the night! Way to go little man! :)
Diet: All Mommy's milk!
Clothes: 3-6 month onesies and six month pants for length! Size two diapers.
Baby Gear Love: This week we've loved our new binkies! Gram picked up some Nuk binkies while we were at the beach and C loves them!
Crying: Hiccups and being tired will cause a few meltdowns
Likes: We have a boy that likes a lot of things. He loves bathtime, being out doors (LOVED the beach and the deck off the condo), sitting up, being sung to, his ring toys. Most of all- our boy loves putting his hands in his mouth!
Dislikes: hiccups are still not his fav, sometimes he doesn't like getting his onesies/shirts put on over his head but it's not every time.
Postpartum: I'm enjoying being back into a routine. The days are long but I like having some structure. It think this will be good for feeling "normal" again and will help me get my weight down. Pumping and working has actually not been bad! I was really worried that it would be awkward/I wouldn't make enough milk, etc but so far, so good! I'm hoping to keep this up until Colin is at least six months old. 3 months to go!
Milestones: What a week in the milestone department!
Colin's first time putting his toes in the sand- 8/22
Colin's first time putting his feet in the ocean- 8/24
Colin's first time sleeping in his big boy crib- 8/25
Colin's first full day in daycare- 8/27
What a week. Colin's 13th week started out great! We had fun at the beach and got all settled in ready for our first day back to work and school on Monday. We were up and out the door on time and in a great mood until... we arrived at daycare. I don't know what happened but the daycare we picked out and visited TWICE turned out to be a nightmare. I pulled in on Monday and went back into the infant room (0-12months) and was greated by a madhouse. There was one teacher and 8 students ranging from a few months-6 years old. The teacher wasn't listening when I was explaining his scheudle, was yelling at the children and there were older kids touching and hanging all over the infants. The teacher even yelled at a little guy who was crying for his Mommy on his first day. I. WAS. LIVID. I knew I couldn't leave my baby in the care of this place. I was so shocked as well...being as this was a Montessouri school. I ended up working from home that day and Aunt Barbara came to our rescue. We were able to get a spot at the Kinder Care in town. We went to visit and meet Colin's new teachers and tour the facility... We loved it! Kinder Care did not have any spots when we were looking before and by divine intervention, one was available when we needed it most. Colin's new school is amazing and he is certainly in good hands. I love his new teachers and am so thankful. We are now settling into our new routine and our little family is doing so well. I certainly am feeling blessed.
Now that Mommy is back to work, our relationship will surely change. I miss you so much during the day that my heart aches. I miss our snuggles, I miss our play time, I miss spending all my days with you. I know that being a working Mommy will be challenging. I know that it means we can't spend as much time toghether... but I know we are making the right choice for our family. I work becuase I am passionate about what I do. I work because I have a career that will allow us to have a wonderful life and I work so that you will have a roll modle in BOTH of your parents. I work because I worked hard to get an education and I want to utilize it. I work because I want you to be proud of your Mommy!
It has only been three days but I do hate being away from you. I promise to make our time together count. I promise to always put you first. I promise to soak up all of the time we have together and cherish the moments that make us smile. I hope you know that you are my pride and joy and that I am your biggest fan. I know you will thrive in daycare and I'm sure this week has been harder on me than you. I know you are being taken care of and loved all day while Mommy and Daddy are at work. I can't wait to see you grow and develop relationships with your peers but of course I wish it was me you could be with all day!
In closing, this has been a big week of change for us but I know it is all going to be ok. I love you to the moon and back, Colin Bennett. You are my shining star.
Great post! I love you babe!