
Friday, August 30, 2013

Three Months: Colin Bennett

Colin Bennett-

I cannot believe you are already three months old! Time is flying by and you are growing and learning by the day.

Size: At three months you are at least 13lbs and getting longer by the day. You are outgrowing your three month clothes and growing into your six month stuff.  I'd say before the end of September you'll be exclusively in six month onesies and suits. Your legs are too long for three month jammies so you sleep in your sleepsack or six month jammies most nights. You are also outgrowing size one diapers so we are using those up and starting size two.  At your two month checkup you were 25th percentile in weight and 75th in height. I can't wait to see what you are next month.

Eating: You are still exclusively breastfed and eat between 6-7 times per day. We've adapted a schedule and that seems to work pretty well for all of us. With that said, if you are hungry in between feedings, we'll go ahead and feed you. You've started school this week and they said you are hungry right on schedule so they've been giving you a bottle of pumped milk three times per day. You nurse in the morning and in the evening and are still getting a bottle of pumped milk at bedtime from Daddy. Sometimes you'll wake up for a quick snack in the middle of the night but it's really hit or miss. 

Loves: You love your bouncy seat and the new jumperoo but most of all... you love to be held (and we love to hold you!). You also love to go for walks in the stroller or to be outside in general. You are definatley an outdoor guy.

You LOVE to be held and snuggled. You are a loving little baby and we love to snuggle as a family. Our favorite time is early morning when we bring you into our bed and snuggle (with Dutch too!).

You love to be sang to and seem to be enjoying story time as well!

Sleeping: You take at least one larger nap during the day (2ish hours) and another shorter nap as well (30mins). You are sleeping through the night (8/8:30-6am) about half of the week and wake up once per night the other half.

Milestones: So many milestones this month! On 8/2 you started to really talk- you were telling Mommy about the ceiling fan. On 8/5 you had your first intentional grab of a toy- your connecting rings.  On 8/12 you moved your head from side to side while doing tummy time!

You can lift your booty up while sitting in your bouncy seat or laying flat on your back (Baby-size as we like to call it) and you have really started to move and groove with your arms and legs. You are a little motor boat who loves to move!

You have several nicknames: Mommy and Daddy call you beebs, C, Little C and Chubby in the Tubby. Gram and Granddad call you beebalino and bebe

Random tidbits: We have found you sleeping on your side this month- I think we are getting closer to the rolling over milestone! You have also really taken to your binkie as of recent. You also let us know you are upset but not in distress when you say "WAP" and stick out your bottom lip. You are the KING of the bottom lip and Mommy is a sucker. ;)

You bring so much joy to our lives sweet boy. We are so in love with you and have enjoyed watching you grow these past three months. Mommy and Daddy cannot wait to see what the next few months bring. Keep on being you baby C because you are simply perfect.  We love you to the moon and back our little star.

Happy three months sweet boy!

Mama and Daddy

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