Happy 15 weeks to our beyond sweet boy!
Weight: We unfortunately had to take baby C to the doctor on Monday for persistent sniffles. :-/ At his appointment (9/9/13) he weight 13.5 pounds!
Health: Colin had his first cold. Last Thursday night we noticed that he was a little congested/sneezing. Each day he got a little bit worse until the cold came to a head on Monday. To be safe, the pediatrician wanted to see him to make sure it wasn't an ear infection/sinus infection. Luckily, he was fine and the virus had to run its course.
Last night, Colin seemed like his happy normal self again!
Social: This week we spent the weekend at my parents!
On Gram and GrandDad's deck |
C got to go bridesmaid dress shopping with Mommy (and was a hit with all of Aunt Kelly's bridesmaids!) and then got to go to South Philly to visit Uncle Andrew's new house- he got his first taste of Little Italy where Gram grew up!
Out to dinner at Crinini's |
C also got to see Mom mom again.
Visiting MomMom's apartment |
Sleep: Because C was all stuffed up we transitioned him back to the snug-a-lamb to sleep in an upright position- ever since, he's slept through the night. I think it might be the crib that he's not a fan of. I'm going to let him sleep in the lamb another few weeks- he just looks so squished in there!
Sunday nap time on Mommy |
Diet: All Mommy's milk! While C is at school I am pumping 4 times per day- our schedule for the past few weeks has looked like this:
-6am- nurse
-8am- Mommy pumps at work
9am- C gets a bottle at daycare
9:30am- Mommy pumps at work
12pm- C gets a bottle at daycare and Mommy pumps
3pm-C gets a bottle at daycare and Mommy pumps
5:15- nurse
7:45/8pm- C gets a bottle of pumped milk
8:30/9- Mommy pumps
We were sticking to the nighttime bottle because it was what "worked" for the past few months- C slept better and wasn't starving when he got a bottle. I have a larger supply in the morning so while I was on maternity leave I pumped in the morning to make his evening bottle (5-6oz) and would store what I pumped at night (around 3oz). Now that he is in daycare, I MISSED nursing. I don't like only nursing two times per day and want that evening feeding back (and pumping 5 times per day is for the birds). Last night we tried nursing at the nighttime feeding. It was SO nice, peaceful and relaxing. C got to nurse, we got to bond, Mommy didn't have to pump- success! C went right off to sleep and slept the whole night like he always has. I think because he is getting 3 full 5oz bottles at school, he is "bulking up" during the day and doesn't need that full 5-6oz bottle at night and can get enough through nursing. I am SO relieved and hope we can keep this up!
On the weekends we will probably still do the evening big bottle since C will have nursed all day long. :)
Clothes: C can still wear his three month onesies but they are getting snug! We probably only have 1-2 weeks before he's officially in six month onesies only (which is ok since they are all short sleeves!) He's in size 2 diapers and six month jammies.
Baby Gear Love: We are back to loving the snug-a-lamb bassinette, still loving his Nuk binkies and of course his "lovie" which we so cleverly named "the guy".
Crying: He now only cries with a purpose: poopy, tired, hungry, wants to be held
Likes: Snuggling and being held, baths, his toys on his play mat, talking to Mommy and Daddy
Dislikes: Having his nose aspirated and saline spray! (who would?)
Postpartum: Making a commitment to track my calories, eat healthy and get active! I am uncomfortable at my current post baby weight and need to lose these last 8 lbs plus a few more! I know I'm being hard on myself- I did have a baby a few months ago, but I am ready to feel like myself again.
Milestones: First Cold- 9/5 :-/
Start of his first football season!
First trip to South Philly- 9/7
First time truly "mocking"- 9/9 (laughing/ smiling back at Mommy doing the same)