Weight: We unfortunately had to take baby C to the doctor on Monday for persistent sniffles. :-/ At his appointment (9/9/13) he weight 13.5 pounds!
Health: Colin had his first cold. Last Thursday night we noticed that he was a little congested/sneezing. Each day he got a little bit worse until the cold came to a head on Monday. To be safe, the pediatrician wanted to see him to make sure it wasn't an ear infection/sinus infection. Luckily, he was fine and the virus had to run its course.
Last night, Colin seemed like his happy normal self again!
Last night, Colin seemed like his happy normal self again!
Social: This week we spent the weekend at my parents!
C got to go bridesmaid dress shopping with Mommy (and was a hit with all of Aunt Kelly's bridesmaids!) and then got to go to South Philly to visit Uncle Andrew's new house- he got his first taste of Little Italy where Gram grew up!
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Visiting MomMom's apartment |
Sleep: Because C was all stuffed up we transitioned him back to the snug-a-lamb to sleep in an upright position- ever since, he's slept through the night. I think it might be the crib that he's not a fan of. I'm going to let him sleep in the lamb another few weeks- he just looks so squished in there!
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Sunday nap time on Mommy |
-6am- nurse
-8am- Mommy pumps at work
9am- C gets a bottle at daycare
9:30am- Mommy pumps at work
12pm- C gets a bottle at daycare and Mommy pumps
3pm-C gets a bottle at daycare and Mommy pumps
-8am- Mommy pumps at work
9am- C gets a bottle at daycare
9:30am- Mommy pumps at work
12pm- C gets a bottle at daycare and Mommy pumps
3pm-C gets a bottle at daycare and Mommy pumps
5:15- nurse
7:45/8pm- C gets a bottle of pumped milk
8:30/9- Mommy pumps
We were sticking to the nighttime bottle because it was what "worked" for the past few months- C slept better and wasn't starving when he got a bottle. I have a larger supply in the morning so while I was on maternity leave I pumped in the morning to make his evening bottle (5-6oz) and would store what I pumped at night (around 3oz). Now that he is in daycare, I MISSED nursing. I don't like only nursing two times per day and want that evening feeding back(and pumping 5 times per day is for the birds). Last night we tried nursing at the nighttime feeding. It was SO nice, peaceful and relaxing. C got to nurse, we got to bond, Mommy didn't have to pump- success! C went right off to sleep and slept the whole night like he always has. I think because he is getting 3 full 5oz bottles at school, he is "bulking up" during the day and doesn't need that full 5-6oz bottle at night and can get enough through nursing. I am SO relieved and hope we can keep this up!
On the weekends we will probably still do the evening big bottle since C will have nursed all day long. :)
7:45/8pm- C gets a bottle of pumped milk
8:30/9- Mommy pumps
We were sticking to the nighttime bottle because it was what "worked" for the past few months- C slept better and wasn't starving when he got a bottle. I have a larger supply in the morning so while I was on maternity leave I pumped in the morning to make his evening bottle (5-6oz) and would store what I pumped at night (around 3oz). Now that he is in daycare, I MISSED nursing. I don't like only nursing two times per day and want that evening feeding back
On the weekends we will probably still do the evening big bottle since C will have nursed all day long. :)
Clothes: C can still wear his three month onesies but they are getting snug! We probably only have 1-2 weeks before he's officially in six month onesies only (which is ok since they are all short sleeves!) He's in size 2 diapers and six month jammies.
Baby Gear Love: We are back to loving the snug-a-lamb bassinette, still loving his Nuk binkies and of course his "lovie" which we so cleverly named "the guy".
Crying: He now only cries with a purpose: poopy, tired, hungry, wants to be held
Likes: Snuggling and being held, baths, his toys on his play mat, talking to Mommy and Daddy
Dislikes: Having his nose aspirated and saline spray! (who would?)
Postpartum: Making a commitment to track my calories, eat healthy and get active! I am uncomfortable at my current post baby weight and need to lose these last 8 lbs plus a few more! I know I'm being hard on myself- I did have a baby a few months ago, but I am ready to feel like myself again.
Milestones: First Cold- 9/5 :-/
Start of his first football season!
First trip to South Philly- 9/7
First time truly "mocking"- 9/9 (laughing/ smiling back at Mommy doing the same)
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