
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Colin Bennett: 28 weeks

On December 11th, precious little Colin turned 28 weeks new. It was an eventful week indeed!

Weight: 17 pounds for sure. Daddy has been going to Baltimore to work the weekend shift for a few weeks (which we hate). Every time he comes home he says how much bigger little guy has gotten.
Health: Happy and healthy little guy

Social:We went to a memorial service for a dear family friend on Saturday. Although it was a sad occasion, we celebrated life with family and friends. Sunday C, Mommy and Gram went out to do a little shopping and came out of the store to C's first blizzard! It took us an hour and fifteen minutes to get home from a store fifteen minutes away! 

C also had his first trip away from Mommy. (I know it was way harder on me than it was on him!) Mommy had to go to Boston for work for two nights. Daddy and the grandparents did a great job taking care of him!  

Sleep: Starting to sleep through the night again. He had a few nights where he slept all the way through! Way to go little guy!
Diet: Mommy's milk, some formula supplementation, oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, sweet potato, carrots, banana puffs. Mommy makes all your food (although while Mommy was away the babysitters cheated and bought jarred food, organic of course)

Clothes: 9 month pants and six month onesies with 9 month body suits thrown in
Baby Gear Love: Mommy's Tiffany's teething ring from when she was a baby. We gave it to him before my trip and he loves to listen to it jingle.
Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants ("nee nee squeal")
Likes: Peak a boo, snuggling, eating solids, bath time, exploring new things (Christmas lights)

Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed, waking up alone, not being paid attention to.
Postpartum: My Boston trip really took a toll on my success! Tons of good food and wine.
Milestones:  First time sleeping away from Mommy- 9th and 10th. 
First blizzard!

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