
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Colin Bennett: 29 Weeks

On December 18th, sweet beebs turned 29 weeks old.

What a busy few weeks we've had of planning, transition, and Christmas prep!
Weight: 17 pounds at least!
Health: Happy and healthy little guy

Social: C and Mommy ran a lot of errands to get ready for Christmas. We also attended the annual Kassab/Bayne Christmas cookie day and enjoyed a Christmas cantata at church. We were getting  in the holiday spirit!
Sleep: Getting there! More and more full nights of sleep!

Diet: Slowly transitioning away from breastfeeding. Sadly, Mommy's work trip to Boston along with the stress of a move and new job has taken a big hit on Mommy's milk supply. I have heard that stress can cause a big problem, which it definitely did for me. I was only pumping 5-8 oz. of milk per day while away from C at work. He is taking 6 oz. bottles at a time so my supply was not keeping up. He is still breastfeeding in the mornings, which is our sweet snuggle time. I'm sad about the transition but know I gave him six months of solid breastfeeding, which is so good for him!  

C has also had: oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, sweet potato, carrots, peas, pears, banana puffs and cheerios.  Mommy makes all his food!

Clothes: 9 month pants and six month  and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 
Baby Gear Love: Mommy's Tiffany's teething ring from when she was a baby, "the guy", bath toys and books. Also loving Mommy's old fisher price toys!

Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants ("nee nee squeal")
Likes: Peak a boo, snuggling, eating solids, bath time, exploring new things, baby Einstein.  
Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed, waking up alone, not being paid attention to.
Postpartum: sad about the dip in my milk supply. :-/

Milestones:  Sitting up  for long stretches of time- all by himself! No need to keep a hand around to "prop him up"! Way to go little buddy!

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