Sweetest Baby Colin,
Wednesday, January 29th marked your 8 month birthday. I know I tell you this with each passing month but it really is hard to believe how fast time is flying by.
Wednesday, January 29th marked your 8 month birthday. I know I tell you this with each passing month but it really is hard to believe how fast time is flying by.
This month Mommy and Daddy had to do a lot of traveling back to Baltimore to pack up our first home. We missed you like crazy when we were gone a few nights this month but we made sure to make up for our time away as best as possible!
At eight months old you are...
At eight months old you are...
Weighing in at 19 pounds, wearing all nine month outfits and size three diapers. We've tried 12 month outfits but they are still too big. We tried your convertible car seat this month and both you and Mama and Daddy are not fans. You are much snugger in the infant seat. We'll try again next month as your legs are starting to get too long for the infant seat.
Eating: You have four 6 ounce bottles per day and one 2 oz bottle or sippy cup (tried a few times) at lunch. You eat three meals a day. So far you have had: sweet potatoes, banana, carrots, peas, pears, mango, broccoli, green beans, apples, prunes, spinach (which you hate), puffs and baby mum mums
Loves: You love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy. When we get home from work, you light up with the biggest smile. It truly is the best part of my day. You love, love- just like your mama! You love to snuggle and be held. In fact, this month you really started to show signs of being sad when we walk out of the room.
You also love to just sit and play toys. You love to discover new toys and see what they are all about! Curious little guy! You also like to read books and watch baby Einstein. Eating is also a fun part of your day. However, you are very impatient between each bite!
You also love to just sit and play toys. You love to discover new toys and see what they are all about! Curious little guy! You also like to read books and watch baby Einstein. Eating is also a fun part of your day. However, you are very impatient between each bite!
Sleeping: lets just say a full nights sleep was a very rare occasion this month. We are excited for our transition to our new home (on Valentines day)! We think the quieter atmosphere and routine will help you sleep.
Week of Jan 6 - self feeding for the first time
Jan 13- mastering pincer grasp (while eating puffs)
Towards the end of the month you were holding your weight while standing for a few seconds!
January 17th- army crawling (wiggling) to get to a toy
Week of Jan 6 - self feeding for the first time
Jan 13- mastering pincer grasp (while eating puffs)
Towards the end of the month you were holding your weight while standing for a few seconds!
January 17th- army crawling (wiggling) to get to a toy
You have several nicknames: your main nick names are Collywood, beebs and beep a da beep. You also occasionally get called bayba c and neenee
Colin Bennett you light up our world. You are the macaroni to our cheese, the chocolate to our shake, the sprinkles to our ice cream and the peanut butter to our jelly. You are the best part of our day. Your smile is contagious and your personality is shining through more and more each day. We love to watch you grow and are so excited to see what the next few months have in store for us! Keep on being you, little man, because you are so special.
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