
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Colin Bennett: 40 and 41 weeks

On the 5th of March, C turned 40 weeks old.
On the 12th, he turned 41 weeks!

I hate to combine posts as I haven't missed a week yet but we've been so busy with unpacking and cleaning that posting was nearly impossible. We had a big push to feel settled and all other activities were pushed to the side while we got the "house in order". Some exciting things did happen- Colin had his 9 month appointment and was given the green light to eat table food! C is 50th percentile for weight and head circumference and 75th percentile for height. My little string bean.

Weight: 19.8 pounds! Had he not been sick in Feb, I am certain he would have broken the 20 pound mark at his 9 month appointment.
Health: The doc was thrilled at how healthy he is! He's growing big and strong and is learning new "tricks" every day. C is SO close to crawling- he gets on all fours and then falls on his tummy.
Social: We had a relaxing weekend two weeks in a row while getting some house projects done. We also had Aunt Julie visit and then our first family dinner with Gram, Granddad and Uncle Andrew.
Sleep: C slept most of the week in his own bed his 40th week and then regressed the 41st week. Here's hoping we get more consistency.
Diet: Fruits and Veggies (all homemade), puffs, oatmeal and rice.
Clothes: 9 month pants are getting questionable. Waiting on a flood kiddo?
Baby Gear Love: Any toys that make noise! His basketball game is a big favorite. He's got quite the shot!
Crying: When he wants attention. ;) Not sure where he gets that, certainly not me.
Likes: Eating and snuggling
Dislikes: morning drop off at daycare. 
Postpartum: can't wait for running season to start. I'm also missing breastfeeding recently. I miss the bond.
Milestones:  9 month appointment
Almost crawling! 
His first day of not crying during morning daycare drop off

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