Colin Bennett,
On March 1, you turned 9 months old! This month, there wasn't a "29th" so we celebrated on the 1st. :)
What a busy month we had- we moved into our new home, you started daycare ("school") again and you are just about there with crawling! You get on all fours and rock- as soon as you realize you can gain leverage with the back knee- you are going to be off!
At nine months old you are...
Weighing in at 19.8 pounds and are getting so tall measuring 28 inches long. You are 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight and head circumference. The Doctor was thrilled with how healthy you are at your appointment!
You are wearing nine month onesies and twelve month pants for length. You are still in size three diapers and I think we will stay in this size for a little while longer. However, we will be switching to a convertible car seat very soon!
Eating: You have an eight ounce bottle each morning and one before bed then you have two six ounce bottles during the day (11 and 3) and one 2 oz sippy cup at lunch. You eat three meals a day. So far you have had: sweet potatoes, banana, carrots, peas, pears, mango, broccoli, green beans, apples, prunes, spinach (which you hate), pineapple, avocado, chickpeas, puffs, cheerios, a whole wheat waffle and baby mum mums. The doctor gave the green light to slowly start introducing table food. She said "the world is your oyster". Here we go! We are excited but will be watching you like a hawk as you feed yourself cheerio size bites. ;)
Loves: You love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy. When we get home from work, you light up with the biggest smile. It truly is the best part of my day. You also still love, love- just like your mama! While you were sick this month, you laid on me and snugged for three days straight- you slept on my chest in the middle of the bed- I couldn't put you down. You love to dance with Mommy and laugh when I sing silly made up songs. We have a few "jingles" that we sing regularly (walk-walk- jiggle jiggle jiggle). You love to play your piano and enjoy your "shapes" or blocks as well. You love your new home and are thriving on a routine, which is so nice to see.
With that said, for the first two weeks, you were NOT a fan of daycare but you have had some really great days the last few days of the month. Last week was the first time I was able to drop you off without tears- you smiled at your new teacher- Mrs. Sandra.
Sleeping: Change has not been your friend. We are hoping the new routine will start to help out. In fact, last week (the first week of your 10th month) you slept every night through the night in your own big boy crib! You also were sick the second week in our new house, fever, stuffy nose, vomiting, upset tummy- no good for sleeping.
February 16th- first night in your new home!
February 18th- first day at school!
February 22- first fever (outside of for shots) :(
Almost crawling (getting on all fours and rocking)
You also started to "clap hands hooray!" this month. It is adorable when you giggle with delight!
You have several nicknames: your main nick names are Collywood, beebs and beep a da beep. You also occasionally get called bayba c and neenee (when you are upset/fussy).
We've had such a busy few months- you've lived in three states since November! We are looking forward to slowing down and enjoying family time this spring. You are such a joy to be around and we LOVE our family time together. The past three weekends we implimented "snuggle Sunday" where we stay in our pjs and snuggle all Sunday morning- you soak it up! We can't wait to see how you thrive the last few months of your first year. We love you to the moon and back, Colin Bennett!
Mama and Daddy