
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Colin Bennett: 42 Weeks

On the 19th of March Colin turned 42 weeks old! This face melts my heart. He is simply the sweetest guy.

Weight: 20 pounds
Health: We seem to be battling a constant on/off stuffy nose
Social: We had our first weekend visitors this week! Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ralph visited us and we had a very fun weekend. Saturday we went out to lunch and walked around down town. We also ran some errands and got a few things done around the house (of course!). Our favorite purchase is our new Ergo baby carrier- C loves it and so do we!
Sleep: No luck sleeping in his own bed. Oy.
Diet: new to the diet: table food! Frozen organic veggies, cheese, beans, soup, waffles
Clothes: 12 month pants! We officially are too tall for the 9 month pants.
Baby Gear Love: Ergo baby!
Crying: At night when he wants to snuggle
Likes: Getting outside for some walks this week and of course he still LOVES bath time!
Dislikes: Spinach- I've tried to disguise it and he always detects it. Hates it!
Postpartum: Hubs and I started T-25. Its a great work out and I love that we can do it together.
Milestones: On the 15th C started really pulling himself up on toys! SO SO close to crawling- any day now!
First St. Patty's day. We still celebrate even though we aren't Irish ;) We had a family dinner at our house the Saturday prior and had sheppards pie, corned beef poopers and a green martini!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Colin Bennett: 40 and 41 weeks

On the 5th of March, C turned 40 weeks old.
On the 12th, he turned 41 weeks!

I hate to combine posts as I haven't missed a week yet but we've been so busy with unpacking and cleaning that posting was nearly impossible. We had a big push to feel settled and all other activities were pushed to the side while we got the "house in order". Some exciting things did happen- Colin had his 9 month appointment and was given the green light to eat table food! C is 50th percentile for weight and head circumference and 75th percentile for height. My little string bean.

Weight: 19.8 pounds! Had he not been sick in Feb, I am certain he would have broken the 20 pound mark at his 9 month appointment.
Health: The doc was thrilled at how healthy he is! He's growing big and strong and is learning new "tricks" every day. C is SO close to crawling- he gets on all fours and then falls on his tummy.
Social: We had a relaxing weekend two weeks in a row while getting some house projects done. We also had Aunt Julie visit and then our first family dinner with Gram, Granddad and Uncle Andrew.
Sleep: C slept most of the week in his own bed his 40th week and then regressed the 41st week. Here's hoping we get more consistency.
Diet: Fruits and Veggies (all homemade), puffs, oatmeal and rice.
Clothes: 9 month pants are getting questionable. Waiting on a flood kiddo?
Baby Gear Love: Any toys that make noise! His basketball game is a big favorite. He's got quite the shot!
Crying: When he wants attention. ;) Not sure where he gets that, certainly not me.
Likes: Eating and snuggling
Dislikes: morning drop off at daycare. 
Postpartum: can't wait for running season to start. I'm also missing breastfeeding recently. I miss the bond.
Milestones:  9 month appointment
Almost crawling! 
His first day of not crying during morning daycare drop off

Monday, March 10, 2014

Nine Months: Colin Bennett

Colin Bennett,
On March 1, you turned 9 months old!  This month, there wasn't a "29th" so we celebrated on the 1st. :)

What a busy month we had- we moved into our new home, you started daycare ("school") again and you are just about there with crawling! You get on all fours and rock- as soon as you realize you can gain leverage with the back knee- you are going to be off!

 At nine months old you are...

Weighing in at 19.8 pounds and are getting so tall measuring 28 inches long. You are 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight and head circumference. The Doctor was thrilled with how healthy you are at your appointment!
You are wearing nine month onesies and twelve month pants for length. You are still in size three diapers and I think we will stay in this size for a little while longer. However, we will be switching to a convertible car seat very soon!

Eating: You have an eight ounce bottle each morning and one before bed then you have two six ounce bottles during the day (11 and 3) and one 2 oz  sippy cup  at lunch. You eat three meals a day. So far you have had: sweet potatoes, banana, carrots, peas, pears, mango, broccoli, green beans, apples, prunes, spinach (which you hate), pineapple, avocado, chickpeas, puffs, cheerios, a whole wheat waffle and baby mum mums. The doctor gave the green light to slowly start introducing table food. She said "the world is your oyster". Here we go! We are excited but will be watching you like a hawk as you feed yourself cheerio size bites. ;)

Loves: You love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy. When we get home from work, you light up with the biggest smile. It truly is the best part of my day. You also still love, love- just like your mama! While you were sick this month, you laid on me and snugged for three days straight- you slept on my chest in the middle of the bed- I couldn't put you down. You love to dance with Mommy and laugh when I sing silly made up songs. We have a few "jingles" that we sing regularly (walk-walk- jiggle jiggle jiggle). You love to play your piano and enjoy your "shapes" or blocks as well. You love your new home and are thriving on a routine, which is so nice to see.

 With that said, for the first two weeks, you were NOT a fan of daycare but you have had some really great days the last few days of the month. Last week was the first time I was able to drop you off without tears- you smiled at your new teacher- Mrs. Sandra.
Sleeping: Change has not been your friend. We are hoping the  new routine will start to help out. In fact, last week (the first week of your 10th month) you slept every night through the night in your own big boy crib! You also were sick the second week in our new house, fever, stuffy nose, vomiting, upset tummy- no good for sleeping.

February 16th- first night in your new home!
February 18th- first day at school!
February 22- first fever (outside of for shots) :(
Almost crawling (getting on all fours and rocking)
You also started to "clap hands hooray!" this month. It is adorable when you giggle with delight!
You have several nicknames: your main nick names are Collywood, beebs and beep a da beep. You also occasionally get called bayba c and neenee (when you are upset/fussy).

We've had such a busy few months- you've lived in three states since November! We are looking forward to slowing down and enjoying family time this spring. You are such a joy to be around and we LOVE our family time together. The past three weekends we implimented "snuggle Sunday" where we stay in our pjs and snuggle all Sunday morning- you soak it up! We can't wait to see how you thrive the last few months of your first year. We love you to the moon and back, Colin Bennett!

Mama and Daddy

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Eight Months: Colin Bennett

Sweetest Baby Colin,

Wednesday, January 29th marked your 8 month birthday. I know I tell you this with each passing month but it really is hard to believe how fast time is flying by.

 This month Mommy and Daddy had to do a lot of traveling back to Baltimore to pack up our first home. We missed you like crazy when we were gone a few nights this month but we made sure to make up for our time away as best as possible!

 At eight months old you are...

Weighing in at 19 pounds, wearing all nine month outfits and size three diapers. We've tried 12 month outfits but they are still too big. We tried your convertible car seat this month and both you and Mama and Daddy are not fans. You are much snugger in the infant seat. We'll try again next month as  your legs are starting to get too long for the infant seat.

Eating: You have four 6 ounce bottles per day and one 2 oz bottle or sippy cup (tried a few times) at lunch. You eat three meals a day. So far you have had: sweet potatoes, banana, carrots, peas, pears, mango, broccoli, green beans, apples, prunes, spinach (which you hate), puffs and baby mum mums

Loves: You love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy. When we get home from work, you light up with the biggest smile. It truly is the best part of my day. You love, love- just like your mama! You love to snuggle and be held. In fact, this month you really started to show signs of being sad when we walk out of the room.
You also love to just sit and play toys. You love to discover new toys and see what they are all about! Curious little guy!  You also like to read books and watch baby Einstein.  Eating is also a fun part of your day. However, you are very impatient between each bite!

Sleeping: lets just say a full nights sleep was a very rare occasion this month. We are excited for our transition to our new home (on Valentines day)! We think the quieter atmosphere and routine will help you sleep.

Week of Jan 6 - self feeding for the first time
Jan 13- mastering pincer grasp (while eating puffs)
Towards the end of the month you were holding  your weight while standing for a few seconds!
January 17th- army crawling (wiggling) to get to a toy

You have several nicknames: your main nick names are Collywood, beebs and beep a da beep. You also occasionally get called bayba c and neenee

Colin Bennett you light up our world. You are the macaroni to our cheese, the chocolate to our shake, the sprinkles to our ice cream and the peanut butter to our jelly. You are the best part of our day. Your smile is contagious and your personality is shining through more and more each day. We love to watch you grow and are so excited to see what the next few months have in store for us! Keep on being you, little man, because you are so special.

Mama and Daddy

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Colin Bennett: 39 Weeks

Wednesday 2/26 was Baby C's 39th week. He is officially been in our lives longer than I was pregnant! Hard to believe how fast time flies. We had another very eventful week.

Weight: 19/20 pounds- 3/7 is the official weigh in
Health: Not so great. Our house caught the bug(s) going around. C had a fever Saturday-Monday and was out cold. All he wanted was to be held and snuggled, which is exactly what we did. Poor guy also refused to eat- I'm pretty sure he lost some weight.
Social: On Saturday before the fever kicked in C visited his grandparents and on Monday Mommy Kim came to stay with him while he recovered. You have to be fever free for 24 hours in order to go to daycare.
Sleep: The move through him way off track, which is to be expected. His whole world has been rocked. He had one night (Friday) where he slept through the night in his own bed.
Diet: Fruits and Veggies (all homemade), puffs, oatmeal and rice.
Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers-we tried a few 12 month outfits and they fit in length. Still a little big in width!
Baby Gear Love: The nasal aspirator, infant Tylenol for fever, lovie "the guy" blanket for comfort
Crying: When Mama or Daddy walk out of the room at daycare. Breaks our heart.
Likes: This week: Snuggling big time
Dislikes: daycare and the sickies
Postpartum: I joined weight watchers- determined to get these extra 20 pounds OFF by on of my BFF's wedding dates (June).
Milestones:  First significant sickies (fever) 2/22

Colin Bennett: 38 weeks

Wednesday, February 19th was C's 38th week! What an exciting week!
Weight: 19/20 pounds- we find out for sure in a few weeks at his 9 month checkup.
Health: Happy and healthy!
Social: Well- what a busy little week it was! C moved into his new home and started at his new daycare! He was NOT a fan of daycare but that's to be expected after three months of one on one attention. We are hopeful that he will get back into the swing of things in a few weeks.
C also celebrated his first valentines day. <3 

Our sleepy  little valentine below...

Sleep: The move through him way off track, which is to be expected. His whole world has been rocked.
Diet: Fruits and Veggies (all homemade), puffs, oatmeal and rice.
Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers-we tried a few 12 month outfits and they fit in length. Still a little big in width!
Baby Gear Love: The boppy has come in handy as C has had to sleep in our bed a few nights due to the transition. (I know, I know, so bad). C also loves his walker! He's not walking with it yet but pulling and playing with it getting used to it!
Crying: When Mama or Daddy walk out of the room at daycare. Breaks our heart.
Likes: Playing, rolling around on the ground, bath time and EATING! This baby can eat, eat, eat!
Dislikes: daycare
Postpartum: I joined weight watchers- determined to get these extra 20 pounds OFF by on of my BFF's wedding dates (June).
Milestones:  back to school! New home and first valentines day!