On Monday 2/25 I was 26 weeks pregnant and sick as a dog.
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looking lovely, wasn't I? Red nose, swollen face, puffy eyes- just a picture perfect beauty! |
Hubs was fighting off a cold the week before last and I was on a mission to NOT get sick. I lysoled everything and de-germed the whole house. Well, I guess the suppressed immune system of this preggo was not able to fight it off. It turned into an upper respiratory infection for me that would not quit. I did take a bump picture on Monday but it will remain for my eyes only/the baby book. It was too rough to even think about posting on the blog! This week's picture was actually taken on Wednesday night- still sick but managing to stand up for more than two minutes!
Total weight gain: At the end of this week, I had officially gained 14 pounds. :) Feeling pretty good and am happy to be "back on track" and not maintaining/losing. I think taking two weeks off from the gym (not by choice) has helped.
How big is the baby?: Baby C is as long as a hot house cucumber and weighs just under two pounds! Getting big!
Maternity clothes: A mix of both maternity and non maternity tops, but all maternity bottoms. Found some cute maternity dresses as well for spring!
Stretch marks?: Nope, thanks to Palmers (or maybe good genes in the skin department!)
Sleep: Sleep was terrible this week. I couldn't breath, my mouth was constantly dry due to a stuffy nose- it was just all around bad. I did sleep a lot during the day but would wake up frequently. Over the weekend sleep got much better so I'm hoping things are back to normal this week!
Best moment this week: In spite of being so sick- I have two favorite pregnancy moments this week. <3 First is definitely reading two books to Colin with hubs- the Sneaches and Bread and Jam for Francis. It was so sweet and warmed my heart. Hubs is such an animated book reader, which I'm sure Colin will love! It was also nice to see my parents this past weekend and have Mom feel Colin bounce around. His kicks weren't that strong when she was feeling but she got to feel something!
Movement: Lots!! Colin sometimes kicks so hard it startles me!
Food cravings: Still loving frozen yogurt. I didn't realize it before hubs pointed it out, but pizza has also been a noticeable pregnancy craving. I was NEVER a pizza (or junk food eater in general) but I have been up for ordering pizza out plenty of times throughout this pregnancy.
Food aversions: Meat,meat, meat. Still forcing it for baby.
Labor signs: No way Jose!
Belly button in or out: still an innie, but getting flatter.
What I miss: The GYM! I haven't been in two weeks! The week before last it was due to hubs's dislocated finger and some late nights/a lot going on at work. This past week it was due to the plague. Hubs is making me take one last night off- much to my dismay- but I will be back there tomorrow night for sure.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Heartburn, stiff back, sore butt and frequent bathroom breaks. The stiff back and sore butt are definitely much more intense as the belly gets bigger.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the molding up in Colin's room this weekend!!
Mommy and Daddy love you so much! We love feeling you move and dreaming about what life will be like when you get here. We talk about you all the time! We are getting your room ready a little bit each week. We will often walk in there and look at all of your cute little things! I have looked at all your clothes and organized them so many times! We can't wait to meet you in just 13 weeks. For now, keep growing big and strong!
We love you to the moon and back,
Mama and Daddy
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