Cravings: Still having some cravings for frozen yogurt! This week, I also really had a hankering for some pancakes! Hubs finally made some for me this morning- delish!
Any foods you don’t want: Eh- still not too keen on meat. I've been consciously watching my protein intake to ensure baby Colin gets enough.
Symptoms? Back aches! By the end of the day my back is so stiff/sore. The heartburn has eased up a bit, which is really nice. I have noticed a shortness of breath that comes along pretty frequently when I'm walking up the steps, working out, etc. I also can't seem to eat a ton at each sitting- I get so full so fast. I guess Colin is taking up a ton of room in there and pushing everything up.
Showing: Big old baby bump <3
Boy or Girl? snakes, snails and puppy dog tails- thats what little boys are made of.
Bought anything? Yesterday Mom and I went to Babies R Us and Target to pick up a few items for baby C. I bought hangers for his little clothes and baskets for the closet organizer to hold his tiny items (onesies, binkies, etc.). Gram also spoiled Colin with some adorable onesies, socks and receiving blankets. I know she is going to love our little man so much- it was really heartwarming seeing her shopping for her grandson.
Shopping for anything? There are really just a few items left to buy for the nursery: a lamp, curtain rods, shelves for above his dresser. The furniture should be here in the next two weeks- once that is in place, I'll purchase those last few items and start putting everything together!
The Dad to be? Simply amazing. He is so cute when he "worries" about C getting enough protein or me taking it easy and resting. He does get upset when I am cleaning too much or over exerting myself. Yesterday, he was so proud when he learned how to hang a chair rail from my Uncle John. The two of them had a great time putting the rail up in Colin's room.
Most recent appointment? This past Friday I had my glucose test. I was dreading it! I had heard so many terrible things about the glucola drink that I was so concerned I'd gag. I was worrying for nothing. It really wasn't that bad. I should have the results tomorrow, fingers crossed we passed!
Next appointment? March 21st is the last of my monthly appointments. After that, we will be going every other week until 36 weeks. 12 weeks to go!
The chair rail looks great!
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