I am certainly slowing down a little bit as the weeks roll by... This week was by far the most tired/achy I've been since the firs trimester- but when I don't test my limits and know when to rest, I am still feeling great! All the symptoms I'm feeling are to be expected and there is nothing that I can't handle. Overall- I have a good amount of energy when I rest/take my time, I'm eating well, still exercising and feel healthy overall. I can't really complain! :)
However....I had a one day business trip to Memphis on Thursday that involved four different flights (a transfer both on the way down and back) and I was completely exhausted. I left the house at 5:45 am and didn't get home until after midnight. My limits were BEYOND tested and I still feel like I'm "recovering". I definitely was cranky, achy and so so tired when I got home. The next evening, I treated myself to a much needed mani/pedi and a relaxing night at home with the hubs.
Total weight gain: At my doctors appointment on Friday morning I was 17 pounds up. However, I was completely clothed and wearing shoes. When I got home and weighed myself- sans clothes and shoes- I was up 16 pounds. Doc says we are right on track.
How big is the baby? : Baby Colin Bennett is the size of a head of cabbage or butternut squash. He weighs just about 3 pounds and is about 17 inches long.
Maternity clothes: Making work what I can, but needing all maternity bottoms. I'm ready for a change in the weather so I can break out some of my maxi dresses- I think they will still fit and look great for spring! :)
Stretch marks?: Not yet... and hopefully not at all!
Sleep: Eh- still hit or miss with more miss than hit. I am falling asleep well but waking up from about 12-2 to use the bathroom and having a really hard time falling back to sleep. I toss and turn a lot trying to get this big belly comfy.
Best moment this week: Going to prepared childbirth class with hubs was by far the best moment this week. He was so attentive and interested in everything the instructor said. When we tried different birthing positions and massage techniques he was so supportive and encouraging. I know he'll do so well when it's finally "go time". It was also so helpful for me to hear a little more about what to expect. I've been reading books and blogs as much as possible, but I don't think it ever hurts to keep learning until the day of. The class certainly helped to ease my anxiety a little about the big day.
It was also nice to hear at our appointment on Friday that little man is head down and in "position" and that we are both healthy. As always, I love hearing his heartbeat<3. We are officially in the "every two week" zone for appointments!
Movement: big time! Little man is kicking and punching up a storm!
Food cravings: Nothing crazy- still craving sweats more than I did before pregnancy, but it is not out of control.
Food aversions: Meat in general is still unappealing. The one negative piece of news we received at our appointment is that my iron is a little low so we need to increase my supplements, meat intake and green leafy veggies. I'm doing it for you little guy- want to make sure you are healthy! <3
Labor signs: No way Jose
Belly button in or out: Flat- not really in or out!
What I miss: Having the energy to get everything done that I want to get done. Trying to get one "thing" done each day on my "pre Colin to do list". ;)
Pregnancy Symptoms: Big boobs, Big belly! I am certainly undeniably pregnant! My back is stiff by the end of the day and I'm certainly slowing down. The heartburn is still creeping up, but I am learning what foods trigger it and attempting to avoid them or eat them in smaller quantities.
What I'm looking forward to: Our upcoming maternity pictures in two weeks and starting to get the nursery put together. <3
Baby Colin-
Mommy and Daddy are getting more and more excited for your arrival. We are getting your room ready and preparing all of your things as they come in! You are certainly loved so much all ready and I know that when we see you and hold you for the first time, you will capture our hearts for eternity. Just a few more weeks to go until we get to meet you and get to know your sweet little personality! Love you to the moon and back.
Mama and Daddy
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