On March 11th, we met the 28 week mark- the 3rd trimester! Hard to believe our little man will be here in less than 12 weeks!!!
Total weight gain: At the end of this week, I was still at the 14 pound mark. I had lost a half a pound this week but gained it back with plenty of St. Patty's eating this weekend.
How big is the baby?: Baby C is the size of a head of cabbage- how appropriate for St. Patty's day! Colin is almost 17 inches tall and weighs three pounds. His job over the next 12 or so weeks is to plump up!
Maternity clothes: A mix of both maternity and non maternity tops, but all maternity bottoms. The top in the picture above is non-maternity and looking back, I realize it was too short. It might be time to retire most of my non-maternity tops for the last trimester. I bought two pairs of work pants this past week to get me through the spring at work.
Stretch marks?: Still happy to report the anser to this question is no! :)
Sleep: Eh- off and on. Most of this week I had a hard time sleeping. I'm guessing it is going to get a little tougher to get comfortable. It's all worth it though!!! I'm sure this is the universe's way of preparing me for the first few months of mommy-hood.
Best moment this week: Hearing hubs talk about when Colin gets here and our plans while talking with his Aunt and Uncle. He is starting to sound so proud of our little family. I can tell it's getting more real for him now. I also really enjoyed getting back in the gym! Felt great the next day!!
Movement: Lots!! I love feeling him move all around.
Food cravings: Still loving frozen yogurt. I had some cravings for regular yogurt this week too and fruit!
Food aversions: This has been consistent for a while now- meat. Hubs is making corned beef and cabbage as we speak- I'll be holding my nose and forcing it down for baby
Labor signs: No way Jose!
Belly button in or out: still an innie, but getting MUCH flatter.
What I miss: A good nights sleep and having my energy back. Otherwise, I'm really loving being pregnant! :)
Pregnancy Symptoms: Stiff back by the end of the day (thanks Hubs for all the back rubs!), heartburn, and frequent bathroom breaks.
What I'm looking forward to: Colin's furniture getting delivered! Should be the end of this week or early next week! :)
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