
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


... So remember all that "me time" I was posting about here? Well, I have slipped back into old habbits.

With three grad classes and new house tasks, I am once again forgetting about my own sweet self.
I am doing a great boxing class twice per week with my friend P and we are getting our butts kicked but I haven't been to the gym since my trip to Detroit two weeks ago.
Not good. Not happy. Fixing it.
I saw a great pin on Pinterest that says "Today I will love myself enough to go to the gym". I will be printing this out and posting it in my bedroom... and maybe even my cube at work.

To further my "hott messness"...I noticed last week that I have not painted my nails in a month! A MONTH! To some, it sounds riddiculous that this would bother me. To me, this is a big deal. Painted nails make me feel confident and put together. So tonight- I have a hot date with my mani/pedi set after a nice long run on the treadmill.

This hott mess is getting back on track ASAP!

List update: Below are the 101 list items that are in progress or completed!

5. Send an email or letter three times complementing a job well done at work (1/3)
- I sent an email to the boss of one of the guys in my office who always helps me with my InfoPath forms. I hate those forms and he always assists with a smile. I wanted to make sure his boss knows how friendly and helpful he is.

6. Buy a home with my husband
HOLY COW! I'm a homeowner!

9. Buy a living room set
Check! Pictures of the house will be in a future post...

11. Hang window coverings on all windows in each major room (Kitchen, living room, master bedroom, guest bedroom, rec room). I really think this makes a house a home. (5/5)
done! Notice I said windows... I still have a slider to cover but the windows are done!

15. Explore two more states/regions I've never been to (0/2)
Can't really cross this off, but a trip is planned for the baby bro's 21st!

31. Cook a dinner with BFF Julie for our parents annually (1/3)
This weekend is the anual parents dinner at our new house. Post on that this Sunday.

34. Save $100 every month (5/36)

46. Host at least one holiday dinner per year (0/3)
hosting Easter

56. Do a detox diet for a week
Did yeast free. loved it.

67. Have at least one friend get together every other month (4/14)
We are hosting a chopped competition March 10th. Can't wait!

73. Grow out hair to mid back length and enjoy it
We are there! I'm getting my hair done soon- I'll post a pic after. It's also a hott mess right now. :-/

77. Get 4 pedicures per year (1/12)
Got one for new years eve

92. Write a love letter once every six months (1/6)
Wrote Hubs a poem (a cheesy one, at that) for Love day last week.

94. Go on a walk or work out with my hubs once a week for six months (1/24)
We started this one with a walk on Saturday

95. Try at least one new dinner recipe per week (someone else’s) (20/143)

96. Create one new recipe every other week (my own-EEK!) (10/71)

98. Make Christmas cookies every year (1/3)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day!

I hope you all have hearts as full of love as I do today. I am really feelin' the love this week. Spending the weekend with my family was wonderful. I am so appreciative of the love we share and the relationship the five of us have. I think what we have is special and something to cherish. My parents showed my brother, Hubs and I a little extra love this weekend- made us feel extra special.

Check out the beautiful roses my sweet cheeks had sent to my work today. He is so sweet and thoughtful.

I know many think Valentines day is a "Hallmark holiday". For me, today is a day to hold a little tighter, love a little longer and let all the people you love know how much they mean to you.

Not to put a downer on all the love today, but yesterday I learned of the passing of a friend from highschool. At 26 his life had just begun and was cut short tragically by cancer. He left behind a beautiful baby girl and his loving wife. If anything, today, please hold onto your loved ones a little bit more. You can't take for granted any of the time you have with the people you love.

To all my family, friends and especially my Hubs- I LOVE YOU! You all mean the world to me, today and all the other 364 days of the year.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

From the road!

Well my Hubs is super sweet and got me the iPhone for valentines day! I am in love...seriously not sure why I waited so long. This thing is amazing!

So this weekend the Hubs has drill so my parents suggested we take a day trip to Richmond to visit the little brother. They came down to our house last night and we are in their new car now heading to Richmond!

This week was a crazy one. I had class Monday night and left for Detroit for work Tuesday. I had an awesome trip . My partner Gipsy and I both gave great presentations and made great connections, however, we are the only people in the entire organization that do what we do so our email and voice mail was slammed when we got back into the office yesterday.

Before my rents got in last night, Hubs and I headed to Costco to buy a 60 inch plasma that we've been chatting about. With a family and living room, we knew we'd have to make some purchases when we moved in. Have to admit, I am loving the shopping and decorating!

This week should be fun! Our living room furniture gets delivered Monday and we have a valentines day date Tuesday! I love celebrating our love and I love that valentines day gives me an excuse to go overboard. :)

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

We're Back!

Our internet was finally installed yesterday morning! Thank goodness!!!!! I was starting to feel really disconnected from the world. Before it's time to get ready for the big game, I thought I'd sign in and share some pictures from the move...
 Opening the door for the first time!

It's ours!!

So happy to be busy moving in :)

Hanging our "R" on the door. 

Painting the kitchen. Big thanks to my Brother, Mom and Dad and Julie for their help!

The pup found a place to relax 

Some more painting and unpacking

The kitchen is done!

As we get each room decorated, I'll post pictures to share.

So who are you routing for today? Go Pats!!!