
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Colin Bennett: 37 Weeks

Wednesday, February 12th marked Colin's 37th week! We had a fun and relaxing week as we geared up for our move.

Weight: 19 pounds- we find out for sure in a few weeks at his 9 month checkup.
Health: Happy and healthy!
Social: On Saturday, C spent the morning with Gram and Grandad while Mommy and Daddy ran errands. In the afternoon, our cousin Landon came over for a visit with Uncle Chip! 

Sunday we got to go out to brunch after our morning nap with Aunt Julie and Uncle Mark- so much fun!
Sleep: Doing better and better each week!
Diet: Fruits and Veggies (all homemade), puffs, oatmeal and rice.
Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers- the nine month pants are starting to get a little too short for our string bean!
Baby Gear Love: Still in love with our highchair and shopping cart cover- great for restaurant and shopping trips. We also love our bumbo seat and jumperoo for playing independently.
Crying: When Mama or Daddy walk out of the room- yikes!
Likes: Playing, rolling around on the ground, bath time and EATING! This baby can eat, eat, eat!
Dislikes: he dislikes very little- happy man!
Postpartum: I joined weight watchers- determined to get these extra 20 pounds OFF by on of my BFF's wedding dates (June).
Milestones:  We have a first word!!!! Colin says "Hey!"

Monday, February 24, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Colin Bennett: 36 weeks

February 5th marked Baby C's 36th week! It was the first week we could relax in a LONG time and we did just that!
Weight: 19 pounds
Health: Happy and healthy!
Social: Relaxing with Mama and Dada. We also saw Aunt Kelly and Uncle Steve for Sunday brunch. 
Sleep: C's sleep game is getting much better! He still has a few nights per week where he's up and at em at 2 or 3 but most nights we are getting a good night's sleep.
Diet: Fruits and Veggies (all homemade), puffs, oatmeal and rice. As soon as we settle on our new house (valentine's day), I'm going to do some more experimenting.
Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 
Baby Gear Love: we are certainly loving our tubby toys! We also love our highchair/shopping cart cover- so helpful!

Crying: Starting to get the blues when Mama walks out of the room
Dislikes: he dislikes very little- happy man!
Postpartum: oh hi bikini season! Yikes!
Milestones:  Standing up while holding on to something (table, chair, toy basket)