
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

34 Weeks: Colin Bennett

January 22nd marked Colin's 34 week birthday! I look forward to celebrating each week!

This week flew by. We were super busy packing and getting things in order for our upcoming big move!
Weight: 18 pounds of chubby thighs and chipmunk cheeks! 

Health: Happy and healthy!
Social: C took a final trip back to Baltimore to help Mommy and Daddy pack up their home. The weather is keeping us in as well! It's been freezing and snowy!

Sleep: I can officially say that our boy is sleeping through the night. The nights he does wake up are becoming few and far between. 
Diet: Lots of homemade fruits and veggies as well as Similac Sensitive for fussiness and gas. Lots of homemade bananas, apples, pears, spinach, sweet potatoe, pees, puffs, oatmeal and brown rice cereal

New this week: broccoli!
Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 
Baby Gear Love: Bumbo seat with piano, shapes, books, jumperoo. Daddy got C a sports complex that we love! He also LOVES to watch baby Einstein while Mommy and Daddy make coffee and head out the door. He's mercerized. 

Crying: When he's hungry, tired or poopy- really a good boy who only cries when there really is something wrong.
Likes: PLAYING! Our boy is so interactive now- more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

Dislikes: he dislikes very little- happy man!
Postpartum: Feeling a little stronger every day.
Milestones:  Feeding himself!! Friday January 17th, Colin ate puffs with no assistance!! He was a pro within a few minutes after he got the hang of it!

35 Weeks: Colin Bennett

On his 8 month birthday, little man is 35 weeks old!

Weight: Chubber Bubber thighs!
Health: Happy and healthy!
Social: Our "social" calendar has been awful. We've been so busy with packing and getting ready for our move that we haven't done diddly squat. That is changing this weekend! We cannot wait to have our little family life back. We are so appreciative of my parents for the past few months of hosting us but man do we miss our own space and our own time. We are bursting at the seems to do something fun, outside of the house, with baby C this weekend!

Sleep: All but one night this week! On Sunday night C woke up at 4 am and came into bed to snuggle with Mama. Can't say I hated it. 
Diet: Lots of homemade fruits and veggies. C tried Mango and Green Beans this week! Adding new items almost weekly.

Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers. He squeezed into a six month suit this week- onsie fit but the pants were short! String bean!
Baby Gear Love: boppy for bottle time in the mornings, his workbench and new sports complex! He also loves his bear with labeled body parts(ear, heart, hand, foot, tummy)
Crying: Attention getting only (I have no idea where he gets that from) ;)

Likes: Toys, toys, toys! C got a new toy basket and was just about holding himself up to view his toys last night! I let go for a few seconds! YAY BUDDY!!!
Dislikes: Jammies
Postpartum: I refuse to fear bikini season and am so anxious to join a darn GYM in two weeks.

Milestones:  Just about able to hold on while standing. 
Mommy and Daddy could have sworn he said "hi" when we were working on it the other day (27th)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

33 Weeks: Colin Bennett

On January 15th, little man hit the 33 week mark. So close to 8 months! Time seriously slow down, please.

This week I realized just how big our boy is getting and how fast time is flying by. These past 8 months have been the best of my life by far and I don't want to rush it by. I made sure to stop, play and soak up the snuggles, face touches and "kisses" from my sweet boy. The rest of the world can stop while I soak up my little love.

Weight: Official weigh in at 18 pounds! Woah baby!

Health: Blessed with good health.
Social: Baby C had his first night away from both Mommy and Daddy at the same time. He spent the night alone with Gram and Granddad while Mommy and Daddy went to the old house to pack up. We missed him like crazy!

Sleep: Getting so much better! C slept several nights all the way through. I hope this streak lasts!
Diet: Lots of homemade fruits and veggies as well as Similac Sensitive for fussiness and gas. Lots of homemade bananas, apples, pears, spinach, puffs, oatmeal and brown rice cereal

Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 

Baby Gear Love: Bumbo seat with piano, shapes, books, jumperoo. The Jumperoo has been renamed as the "pooperoo" in our house! It has not failed in weeks- he bounces around in the jumperoo and he has a big poop!
Crying: When he's hungry, tired or poopy- really a good boy who only cries when there really is something wrong.
Likes: Baby Einstein in the mornings while Mommy and Daddy get dressed and ready for work, watching the birds at the bird feeder, playing toys, reading books and bath time! This baby also loves love, just like his Mama.

Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed in jammies (really think this is just the dislike of waiting for the night night bottle), starting to get a little fussy at diaper changes as well.
Postpartum: Feeling a little stronger every day.

Milestones:  Mastering pincer grasp
scooting to reach a toy (army crawl/roll and wiggle)
First night away from both parents

Colin Bennett: 32 weeks

On January 8th, little man turned 32 weeks old. Below are this week's stats!

Weight: My guess is almost 20. I'll weigh him before his 32 week update.
Health: Happy and healthy little guy. He did get the second half of his flu shot on Jan 2nd and got a slight fever afterwards, which is to be expected.
Social: Baby C had a quiet week recovering from the holidays. We have a busy month ahead full of packing and moving so it's a good thing we caught up on rest! C did enjoy a fun snowstorm!

Sleep: Hit or miss. I'd say we get 2-3 nights of a solid sleep. Other nights he needs some snuggling.
Diet: Lots of homemade fruits and veggies as well as Similac Sensitive for fussiness and gas.

Clothes: 9 month pants and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 
Baby Gear Love: Shapes "blocks" and their box, workbench, books, grand piano

Crying: He really only cries in the morning or in the middle of the night when he wakes up alone. He will fuss and let you know when he's tired or hungry but I wouldn't call them "cries".
Likes: Singing, tickling, silly games with Mommy and Daddy, playing toys, his jumperoo and baby Einstein when he first wakes up. 
Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed in jammies, starting to get a little fussy at diaper changes as well.
Postpartum: So ready for getting back into a solid workout routine. I'm determined to wake up at 5 am to workout and get in a healthy breakfast each day. It's the least I can do for myself!
Milestones:  Working on pincer grasp

Monday, January 13, 2014

Colin Bennett: 31 weeks

On New Years Day our little man became 31 weeks old!

Weight: My guess is almost 20. He's grown so much this month! I'll give him an official weigh in soon.
Health: Happy and healthy little guy. He had a busy week but was as happy as a clam!

Social:Baby C had lots of visitors for the holidays!
Sleep: Don't want to jinx it but- I think we might be back to sleeping through the night! 

Diet: Christmas morning was the last time we breastfeed. We are officially weened. :( C has four 6-8 oz bottles of Similac Sensitive every day with breakfast, lunch and dinner in between as well as a 2 oz sippy cup at lunch. (We just introduced the sippy cup and he is still learning how to use it)
C has also had: oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, sweet potato, carrots, peas, pears, banana, squash, peaches, puffs, baby mum mums and cheerios.  Mommy makes all his food!
Clothes: 9 month pants and six month  and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 
Baby Gear Love: All our fun and exciting toys from Santa! We especially love our grand piano, work bench and blocks. We also love all of our new books. C also got his first of many annual Hess trucks!

Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy or Daddy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants ("nee nee squeal"). C has shown a few signs of jealousy- ie if Dutch squeeks his toy and Colin wants it. I'm sure the baby/dog competition will only get more interesting from here!
Likes: Dancing and singing the "jiggle song", playing toys and snuggling when tired.

Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed in jammies, not being paid attention to. I think I can offically take "waking up alone" off the dislike list! Our little guy was found "playing" in his crib in the morning on more than one occasion. So sweet!
Postpartum: Feeling sad about our breastfeeding journey coming to an end but excited to be able to diet and exercise hard without worrying about my supply.
Milestones:  Baby's first New Year!

Seven Months: Colin Bennett

Colin Bennett,

On December 29th, 2013 you turned seven (SEVEN!) months old.

 This month seemed like it flew by exceptionally fast. Between the celebration of your first "holidays", living with Gram and Granddad and Mommy and Daddy both getting settled in our new jobs, life has been a whirlwind. Even through all the craziness, we still made sure to enjoy the milestones with you each and every day.

 At seven months old you are...

Weighing in at 18 pounds, wearing all nine month outfits and size three diapers. You are now much to heavy for Mommy to carry in the baby carrier. I made that mistake while Christmas shopping with you one afternoon and boy was my back killing me at the end of the day! We have to take you out of your seat and leave it in the car from now on. :)

Eating: You made it half way through the month still exclusively breastfeed. I breastfed you at least somewhat through your six month but we didn't make it for every feeding. Mommy's trip to Boston really took a hit on her milk supply so we dropped down to just morning feedings and have now stop breastfeeding entirely. :( I already miss that bonding time with you dearly. You have also eaten: carrots, banana, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, peaches, pears, apples

Loves: You love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy. You love when we just sit on your play blanket and play toys. You talk to us and enjoy reading books as well!  You love to eat and think its so funny when we make the spoon be an "airplane" and tell you to "open up the hanger". You also love to be in the know. You are very curious which I'm sure will be trouble once you start crawling and walking! You also just love to snuggle, especially when you are sleepy. 

Sleeping: You are officially taking two naps per day; one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  This month you started sleeping through the night as well but not every night. I'd say we get a full nights sleep 2-3 nights per week. Otherwise you wake up and just want to snuggle and will fall asleep when rocked.

Sitting on our own for long periods of time
Using your hands to "catch" yourself when you weeble
Drinking a whole bottle without assistance
Reaching for toys you want when sitting up
Eating your first food by yourself (baby Mum Mum)
First Christmas!!

You have several nicknames: Mommy and Daddy call you beebs, C, Bayba C and Chubby in the Tubby and mostly Collywood. Gram and Granddad call you bebe, beebalino and nene when you are fussy 

Sweet baby we love you to the moon and back. We cherish each and every moment with you. We look forward to seeing your smile when you wake up and enjoy each of our alone time with you as well. Your personality has certainly started to shine through and we can't get enough. We are excited to get you into our new house next month and watch you grow there!

Mama and Daddy

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Colin Bennett: 30 weeks

On Christmas Day our little "best gift ever" turned 30 weeks old. This week he will be 7 months old!

Weight: 17 pounds at least!
Health: Happy and healthy little guy... he has been chewing and drooling a lot so we think the next round of teeth might be coming in.

Social:Baby's first Christmas! A separate post will be coming on that.  Also went to visit Aunt Gina and Uncle John at Johns parents house.

Sleep: Getting there! More and more full nights of sleep. Keep it up baby C!
Diet: Mommy's milk in the morning and formula for all other feedings :-/ He doesn't seemed upset about the change, but I am sad.
C has also had: oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, sweet potato, carrots, peas, pears, banana puffs and cheerios.  Mommy makes all his food!
Clothes: 9 month pants and six month  and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 
Baby Gear Love: All our fun and exciting toys from Santa!

Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants ("nee nee squeal")
Likes: Playing games with Mommy and Daddy, dancing and singing silly songs. Its amazing to see him laugh hysterically at us- he thinks we are comedians!

Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed, waking up alone, not being paid attention to.
Postpartum: Feeling sad about our breastfeeding journey coming to an end but excited to be able to diet and exercise hard without worrying about my supply. 
Milestones:  Baby's first Christmas!