
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Colin Bennett: 29 Weeks

On December 18th, sweet beebs turned 29 weeks old.

What a busy few weeks we've had of planning, transition, and Christmas prep!
Weight: 17 pounds at least!
Health: Happy and healthy little guy

Social: C and Mommy ran a lot of errands to get ready for Christmas. We also attended the annual Kassab/Bayne Christmas cookie day and enjoyed a Christmas cantata at church. We were getting  in the holiday spirit!
Sleep: Getting there! More and more full nights of sleep!

Diet: Slowly transitioning away from breastfeeding. Sadly, Mommy's work trip to Boston along with the stress of a move and new job has taken a big hit on Mommy's milk supply. I have heard that stress can cause a big problem, which it definitely did for me. I was only pumping 5-8 oz. of milk per day while away from C at work. He is taking 6 oz. bottles at a time so my supply was not keeping up. He is still breastfeeding in the mornings, which is our sweet snuggle time. I'm sad about the transition but know I gave him six months of solid breastfeeding, which is so good for him!  

C has also had: oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, sweet potato, carrots, peas, pears, banana puffs and cheerios.  Mommy makes all his food!

Clothes: 9 month pants and six month  and nine month onesies. 9 month suits and size three diapers 
Baby Gear Love: Mommy's Tiffany's teething ring from when she was a baby, "the guy", bath toys and books. Also loving Mommy's old fisher price toys!

Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants ("nee nee squeal")
Likes: Peak a boo, snuggling, eating solids, bath time, exploring new things, baby Einstein.  
Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed, waking up alone, not being paid attention to.
Postpartum: sad about the dip in my milk supply. :-/

Milestones:  Sitting up  for long stretches of time- all by himself! No need to keep a hand around to "prop him up"! Way to go little buddy!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Colin Bennett: 28 weeks

On December 11th, precious little Colin turned 28 weeks new. It was an eventful week indeed!

Weight: 17 pounds for sure. Daddy has been going to Baltimore to work the weekend shift for a few weeks (which we hate). Every time he comes home he says how much bigger little guy has gotten.
Health: Happy and healthy little guy

Social:We went to a memorial service for a dear family friend on Saturday. Although it was a sad occasion, we celebrated life with family and friends. Sunday C, Mommy and Gram went out to do a little shopping and came out of the store to C's first blizzard! It took us an hour and fifteen minutes to get home from a store fifteen minutes away! 

C also had his first trip away from Mommy. (I know it was way harder on me than it was on him!) Mommy had to go to Boston for work for two nights. Daddy and the grandparents did a great job taking care of him!  

Sleep: Starting to sleep through the night again. He had a few nights where he slept all the way through! Way to go little guy!
Diet: Mommy's milk, some formula supplementation, oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, sweet potato, carrots, banana puffs. Mommy makes all your food (although while Mommy was away the babysitters cheated and bought jarred food, organic of course)

Clothes: 9 month pants and six month onesies with 9 month body suits thrown in
Baby Gear Love: Mommy's Tiffany's teething ring from when she was a baby. We gave it to him before my trip and he loves to listen to it jingle.
Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants ("nee nee squeal")
Likes: Peak a boo, snuggling, eating solids, bath time, exploring new things (Christmas lights)

Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed, waking up alone, not being paid attention to.
Postpartum: My Boston trip really took a toll on my success! Tons of good food and wine.
Milestones:  First time sleeping away from Mommy- 9th and 10th. 
First blizzard!

Colin Bennett: 27 weeks

On 12/4/13 sweet baby boy turned 26 weeks old.

Weight: 16.5/17 pounds
Health: Happy and healthy little guy

Social:C went to see the Christmas lights at a local display in Mommy's hometown. A local family decorates in a very big (and famous) way every year and you can "tour" the lights in their yard. C also went out to dinner with Mommy and Daddy and best of all.. had his first Thanksgiving! Aunt Diane and Uncle John, Great Mom Mom, Uncle Andrew, Gram, Granddad, Mommy and Daddy all came. C also went to his second cousin Bethy's 30th birthday party. Such a busy but fun week!  

Sleep: Getting better but still not sleeping through the night 
Diet: Mommy's milk, some formula supplementation, oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, sweet potatoe. Mommy makes all your food!

Clothes: 9 month pants and six month onesies with 9 month body suits thrown in
Baby Gear Love: His heighchair, bowls and spoons... this baby loves to chow!
Crying: Crying with a purpose (tired, poopy, hungry) and also when Mommy walks away or if you don't give him what he wants ("nee nee squeal")
Likes: Peak a boo, snuggling, eating solids, bath time, exploring new things (Christmas lights)

Dislikes: Getting his face wiped off, getting dressed, waking up alone
Postpartum: ugh.. I really need to get with the program and hit my stride. I'll do GREAT for a few days then fall off the wagon. I'm feeling pretty down looks wise and need to concentrate on doing some things for me, to include eating well and exercising!
Milestones:  First Thanksgiving 11/28 (and first taste of sweet potatoe)
First tour of Christmas lights- 11/29

Monday, December 9, 2013

Colin Bennett: Six Months Old!

Sweet "Beebs" how is it that you are already half a year old? 

Time certainly flies when you are having fun. You have grown SO much in the past month. You are eating solid foods, sitting up on your own, have two teeth and have a belly laugh that is simply infectious. Every day it seems you are learning something new or developing a new skill. At six months old you are...

Weighing in at 16.5 pounds and are 27 inches tall. You are about 30th percentile for weight and 59th for height. Still a string bean like your Daddy.  You are still wearing nine month pants and six month onesies with 9 month "body suits" thrown into the mix. You have graduated to the size three diapers and have outgrown 0-6 month socks.

Eating: Well sweet baby... we MADE IT! We met Mommy's original goal of six months of breastfeeding. The week before your six month birthday you started eating oatmeal and rice cereal mixed with formula and then on Thanksgiving (the day before your six month birthday) you ate sweet potatoes! I am so proud of our breastfeeding journey and do not want to stop. The only change we are making currently is that you now get a bottle of formula (with some breastmilk mixed in) before bed. My supply just isn't large enough at night to support your growing boy needs. I'd love to breastfeed you at night but we also want to make sure you get just enough. I pump when you go to bed and we add that into your night time "baba" for the next night. 
At Six months old your daily schedule looks something like this:
-sometime between 6 & 7 am- breastfeed
-between 8 &8:30am- oatmeal or rice cereal
-9:30am- nap
-11am- breastmilk (either breastfeeding when I'm around or a six ounce bottle of pumped milk)
-12 noon- lunch time (a homemade veggie or fruit) so far you've tried bananas, sweet potato, carrots, apple and avocado. You love carrots and sweet potato the best!
-between 1 & 1:30pm- nap
-3pm- breastmilk (either breastfeeding when I'm around or a six ounce bottle of pumped milk)
- between 5 and 5:30pm- dinner (a homemade fruit or veggie or oatmeal)
-6:30pm- bath
-7pm- six ounce bottle, story, magic words (goodnight, I love you, sweet dreams, see you in the morning), bed time

Loves: You love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy for sure. You enjoy talking to us and playing. You love to sit up and be right in the mix with everyone else. You always have to know what's going on! So curious just like Mommy. You have really started to love to play toys this month (and certainly  have a lot to play with)! You love to go for jogs with Mommy in the jogging stroller and still love to be in your bath. You think it's hilarious when we play peak-a-boy or tickle your neck and belly. You also love to eat solid food!!

Sleeping: You are officially taking two naps per day; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You may also take a cat nap in between if we are in the car. Your night time sleep has been SO off since we moved. You have only slept through the night twice since we moved on November 13th. We have confidence you'll be back to sleeping through the night and attribute your restlessness to all the change you've had recently (two new teeth, a new home, eating solid food, etc.)

11/1/13- sitting independently without assistance for a few seconds (by the end of the month you were sitting for a minute plus!)
11/8/13- first tummy virus
11/13/13- last day living in Maryland
11/17/13- baptism and first tooth!!!
11/27/13- first snow flurries and first Disney movie (101 Dalmatians)
11/29/13- second tooth!

You have several nicknames: Mommy and Daddy call you beebs, C, Bayba C and Chubby in the Tubby and Collywood. Gram and Granddad call you bebe. A nickname you received this month is "nee nee" which in our family talk is short for hyena. When uncle Andrew was a little guy he couldn't say hyena (referring to the lion king) and called them "nee nees". When you get upset and/or want us to pay attention to you, you make a squeal like a little hyena, hence the name "nee nee".

Random tidbits: We received the good news that your head shape is improving and we do not need a helmet! We still need to be diligent with tummy time but its much better. 

We love you so much Colin Bennett. You are our shining star and the light of our lives. Mommy and Daddy enjoy spending time with you so much and are so fortunate to be your parents. Everywhere we go people tell us what a good baby you are (your baptism, out to eat) and we certainly know it. We can't wait to see what the next half a year has in store for our little family. Keep growing big and strong and always remember how much we love you.

Mama and Daddy