
Friday, May 23, 2014

Colin Bennett: 50 weeks

On Wednesday May 14th, C is just two weeks shy of his first birthday. Seriously, time slow down!
Weight: 21-22 pounds. He's grown so much in the past week or two- growth spurt anyone?
Health: Happy and Healthy!
Social: C spent the weekend soaking up time with Mommy in light of mother's day. Friday night C made a guest appearance at the Bayne/Kassab ladies happy hour. He surprised everyone and was the center of attention for a little bit. 
Saturday, we had a swim lesson, went to the park for a run and swinging with Gram and Aunt Julie came over for birthday crafting. Sunday went to brunch with gram, granddad, uncle Andrew and Mom Mom Mom (my grandmother). We snuggled lots on Sunday afternoon since I had to leave in the middle of the night for a week long work trip. This was the first time I have ever left C for more than 2 nights (one time in December I left for 2).
This was DIFFICULT. I missed my guy so much and based on Daddy's account of the end of the week, C missed me too! On Tuesday and Wednesday Mommy Kim came over to help out which was so nice!
Sleep: Through the night, every night.
Diet: C was a hungry man this week- gobbled up waffles, eggs and fruit at Mother's day brunch!
Clothes: 12 month pants, 12 month onesies, 12 and even some 18 month jammies, size three diapers.
Baby Gear Love: The jogger, his walkers, our new tunnel. C crawls back and forth through the tunnel and laughs up a storm! He also LOVES books like crazy. C pulls every book off the shelf and turns the pages while he "jibber jabbers" as he "reads". Melt my heart.
Crying:  "alligator tears".  Oh- I can't put my finger in this socket or open this drawer? Watch me stick out my lip and "cry". I have  no idea where he got that from ;)
Likes: His brand new "tent tunnel". Hours of entertainment.
Dislikes: see above "crying"
Postpartum: Keeping it up!
Milestones: C can climb steps!
C also picked up his "sippy" at brunch on Sunday and finally got the hang of using it! Just in time for his big move to the todfants class!

Colin Bennett: 49 weeks

Wednesday May 7th, Colin turned 49 weeks!
Weight: I'd take a guess at 21 pounds.  We will find out in a few short weeks at his one year appointment.
Health: Happy and Healthy!
Social: Colin had his very first swim lesson! He did such a great job and loved being in the water! We also went to the park two times and had lots of quality family time. Aunt Julie also visited on Saturday!
Mommy and Daddy also got to go on a date! Gram and Granddad babysat while Mommy and Daddy went on a double date to Bonefish with Uncle Mark and Aunt Julie!
Sleep: Through the night, every night. So thankful that we finally have a good little sleeper. For a while there I was worried we'd be waking up several times a night through his first year!
Diet: C is open to trying anything and everything. He's such a good little eater.
Clothes: 12 month pants, 12 month onesies, 12 and even some 18 month jammies, size three diapers. Aunt Barbara spoiled him with plenty of new summer clothes while we went outlet shopping!
Baby Gear Love: The jogger! We've been getting plenty of good use out of our jogger and C loves it!
Crying:  "alligator tears". He knows how to work the system this kid! 
Likes: Exploring everything! Anything he can get into, he will. Our kiddo also LOVES to swing!
Dislikes: jammies, being told "no" (we hardly say no but he doesn't like when we redirect him.) He also told me that he doesn't like being called a "girl" or hearing "your baby girl is beautiful"... which happened twice this week.
Postpartum: Seeing some results from all my hard work! Lots of exercise and watching what I eat. Simple plan.
Milestones: Playing more and more with Dutch a man
First swim lesson

Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day

This year, Mother's Day means so much more to me than it has in years past. In years past I have gotten to celebrate my wonderful Mother and spent the day reflecting on all that she does for our family. While I still plan on doing just that this coming Sunday... this year, I am also a Mommy.
Being Colin's Mommy has been the most rewarding, honorable, tiring, heartwarming (and heartbreaking) job I have ever had. I enjoy being his Mommy so much and wouldn't change an ounce of this past year.

Becoming a Mommy has certainly opened my eyes to just how special my Mom is as well. Being a good Mommy requires selflessness, LOTS of LOVE, patience and dedication. My mom has all of those qualities and more.  I strive to be just as good a Mommy to Colin as she is to me.

I can only hope that our little boy knows just how much I love him. I am honored to be his Mommy on mother's day and every day.

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 5, 2014

10 months: Colin Bennett

On March 29th, you turned 10 months little man! You were not having your picture taken this month, no way! This is the only smiling picture I was able to get. Still cute as heck anyway!

At ten months old you are...

Still hanging out around 20 pounds.
You are wearing mostly 12 month onesies (with some 9 months here and there) and twelve month pants for length. You are still in size three diapers.
Eating: You have an eight ounce bottle each morning and one before bed then you have two six ounce bottles during the day (11 and 3) and one 2 oz  sippy cup  at lunch. You eat three meals a day.

Loves: You absolutely love to read books. You turn the pages and look at all the pictures. You also love to go for jogs with Mommy in the stroller and explore the outdoors.

Guess what? You are finally in love with school! You have made lots of friends, especially a little girl named Makenna! You two play together every day, it's adorable.
Sleeping: Hit or miss, we are starting to have more and more nights of sleep!

Crawling! Hooray!
Transition to the big boy tub- no more Mr. Whale tubby

You have several nicknames: your main nick names are Collywood, beebs and beep a da beep. You also occasionally get called bayba c and neenee (when you are upset/fussy). Gram and Granddad as well as Aunt Julie call you "bee bee".

You are settling in nicely to our new home and your new routine. You've really started to show off your personality and it is to die for. We LOVE to spend time as a family and are so excited for the warmer weather because you've decided you love to be outside! Keep on growing and learning, little one. We love you so  much!

11 Months: Colin Bennett

Colin Bennett,

It is so hard to believe that we are ONE short month away from your first birthday. This year has FLOWN by and it has been overwhelmingly full of love. You light up our lives and make our little family complete. You have grown so much this month, learned to crawl, stand and sleep through the night!

At eleven months old you are...

Weighing in at 20 pounds and are getting so tall measuring 28 inches long. You are 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight and head circumference.
You are wearing twelve month onesies and twelve month pants for length. You are still in size three diapers and I think we will stay in this size for a little while longer.
You made the switch to a convertible car seat this month which has made travel so much easier! You were getting much too heavy for the infant car seat. After all, you are almost a toddler!

Eating: You have a six ounce bottle each morning and one before bed then you have two six ounce bottles during the day (11 and 3) and one 2 oz  sippy cup  at lunch. You eat three meals a day and eat just about everything we put in front of you. You eat very healthy food and seem to love it!

Loves: You love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy and playing with us. You love to show us new things and smile when we play games (peak a boo, sharing toys, etc). In fact, you learned how to do peak a boo with your blankets and toys this month. It's so adorable.

Sleeping: Through the night, all night! You've had maybe 2-3 nights where you woke up this month, we think from bad dreams.

First hospital stay :-/
Pulling to stand/starting to "cruise"
Second Vacation
First Easter
Transitioning to the "meals" at school
First time on a swing and slide at the playground
3rd and 4th tooth came through (bottom front)!

You have several nicknames: your main nick names are Collywood, beebs and beep a da beep. Gram and Granddad and also Aunt Julie call you "bee bee" and Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ralph call you CB.

My little man, I love you more and more each day. Some days, I think my heart is going to explode with love for you. I look forward to seeing your smile each morning and treasure every moment we get to spend together. You are SO interactive at this stage and it's so fun to "play games" together. My favorite time with you is bath time- we have a game where we put all of your bath time "guys" into a clear container and you think it's the best! Your smile lights up the room and your laugh is simply contagious. This month, I'm soaking up the baby as we prepare for your first birthday. We love you to the moon and back and around again, sweet Colin!
Mama and Daddy

Colin Bennett: 46 Weeks

                             April 16th, our little man turned 46 weeks!   
He was not interested in a cute picture this week. But I love that outfit!                                           
Weight: lying somewhere around the 20 pound mark 
Health: Back to our healthy and happy little boy
Social: We had a quiet week and weekend. Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner with a co-worker and his wife on Friday. Colin's assistant principle was sweet enough to come over to babysit. Saturday we went down to Delaware to pick up some pretty flowers, big pottery pots for either side of our driveway and one for our front porch. Sunday we took it easy in the morning then Colin, Aunt Julie and Mommy went for a 5 mile walk at Valley Forge National Park. It was a beautiful day with temps in the 70s!
Sleep: C has been a WONDERFUL sleeper ever since his hospital stay. Through the night, every night.
Diet: C is such a good little eater. He really is open to trying everything!
Clothes: 12 month pants, 9 and 12 month onesies, 12 month jamies and size three diapers.
Baby Gear Love: Anything musical! After our hospital stay, Daddy and Mommy bought C a box of musical toys (a tambourine, maracas, symbols and a triangle). Colin loves to make music!
Crying: Top teeth have officially broken through causing some pain and tears.
Likes: Getting into everything and anything
Dislikes: Still not a fan of getting our jammies on.
Postpartum: Feeling better than I have in a year. Running and spinning are my new best friends. I've been doing a spin class early in the morning (5:30) as many days per week as possible and have been a running fool!
Milestones: Pulling to stand
Transitioning to the big boy car seat

Colin Bennett: 47 Weeks

On April 23rd, our sweet man turned 47 weeks
We went out to eat and ordered his first meal at a restaurant!
Weight: Still staying somewhere around the 20 pound mark. Chubber Bubber!
Health: Happy and Healthy! No more teething pain, no more sniffles, our little guy has had quite the healthy run ever since our hospital stay (knock on wood!)
Social: On Friday night, Gram and Granddad came over for a run  and dinner. 

Mommy and Gram took C for a  nice run at the park and then we had a cookout. On Saturday, we cleaned the house since we were hosting our first Easter in the new home! It was perfect! We had Uncle Joey/Aunt Kathy, Uncle John/Aunt Diane, Cousin Eric, Uncle Andrew and Gram and Granddad over for the occasion. C looked so cute in his seersucker suit!
Sleep: Through the night, every night.
Diet: C eats everything we put in front of him. We stick to veggies, fruit and lean protein with a few carbs (mini bagel or waffle on the weekends). On Easter, we did give him a very small taste of cannoli. Our little bambino's eyes got so wide! Can't wait to see him taste his cake in a few weeks.
Clothes: 12 month pants, 9 and 12 month onesies (mostly 12), 12 month jammies and size three diapers.
Baby Gear Love: His brand new Easter Basket and anywhere chair!
Crying: Only when he is told he can't touch something (ahem: fingers in outlets) or when he falls on his coolie after standing up. Mostly "alligator tears".
Likes: Exploring!
Dislikes: Being told "no"
Postpartum: Work it out, often. Feeling some progress being made!
Milestones: First Easter!! How cute is he?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Colin Bennett: 48 weeks

Wednesday, April 30th...One month away from the big O.N.E! Soaking up all the baby I can these next few weeks.

Weight: Still staying somewhere around the 20 pound mark 
Health: Happy and Healthy!
Social: We went on vacation! On Friday afternoon we packed up the car (to the brim!) and drove down to the Eastern Shore to spend the weekend with Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ralph. The weekend was beautiful! Great weather, great company and a great baby! We played, went outlet shopping, went out to eat, went to the park and even put our toes in the sand! We also stopped by a friend of UR and AB's to check out their mini farm! C loved exploring!
Sleep: Through the night, every night.
Diet: new this week: milk! Starting to introduce in order to ween off of formula.
Clothes: 12 month pants, 9 and 12 month onesies (mostly 12), 12 month jammies and size three diapers.
Baby Gear Love: Mommy and Uncle Andrew's old toys: "little people" bus, farm house and of course, BOOKS! C is in LOVE with reading books and turning the pages. :) Seriously, melt my heart. He also has really taken to his anywhere chair from PB Kids. He looks so grown up! 
Crying:  "alligator tears" for the most part. (What do you mean I can't touch that Mommy? Oh yea? Watch me stick out my lip so you give in)
Likes: Exploring!
Dislikes: see above: alligator tears.
Postpartum: Work it out, often
Milestones: Second vacation
standing up and pulling up on EVERYTHING! 
Toes in the sand (really his second time)
Walking with his walker! 
"What is THAT?"
Eating a worm. Yes, that's right- my lovely little boy ate a worm on the playground at school. Gross. Gag. Seriously. We have a true little boy on our hands!